Topic: Sustainable Urban Development

This issue of the Sustainable Transport magazine reflects on the far reaching impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global community – and, more importantly, the many ways that cities and communities, like Jakarta, Indonesia, winner of the Sustainable Transport Award in 2021,  have shown strength and resilience in the face of uncertainty. Take…

Innovations in data and technology in transportation have led to new forms of flexible, on-demand mobility and urban freight services. Such advances have also enabled better integration between urban transport modes and facilitated more predictable, environmentally-friendly, high-volume trips. Despite their high potential to facilitate integrated mobility, many of these technologies such as open data and…

How to scale tactical urbanism using lessons from the Global South In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, various forms of long term lockdown or shelter-in place orders have limited non-essential travel and resulted in some of the lowest vehicle volumes in decades. Recognizing that people still need (and want) to move around, cities…

About the Series The “Access for All” series distills common messages of inclusion, equity, and access for everyone to achieve equitable sustainable urban mobility. Each paper and related resources explore how transport systems have failed to account for diverse mobility patterns. This series provides recommendations for key stakeholders from civil society, subnational authorities, donor organizations,…

In this vibrant issue of the Sustainable Transport magazine, we reflect on ITDP’s 35th anniversary, see how Pune is leading India towards a sustainable future, discuss how we’re tackling climate change around the world, and so much more! Letter from the CEO: As ITDP Turns 35, Climate Change Is Accelerating. Fortunately, So Is Political Will….

A tool for cities to effectively develop sustainable transportation policies.  In the United States, transportation accounts for nearly 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions. As cities attempt to become more sustainable, it is imperative that they curb those emissions. ITDP has defined indicators that are actionable, scalable, and easily understood. There are many existing indicators of…


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