Topic: Sustainable Urban Development


Download the full issue here. Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change Dar es Salaam Leads a Breakthrough for African Cities New Streets and Street Life in Moscow At MOBILIZE Santiago, Just and Equitable Cities are the New Normal In India, the City of Pune Takes the Lead in Making Space for Transit and People…

Walkability is a crucial first step in creating sustainable transportation in an urban environment. It’s the most common form of transport in the world. We all do it a little differently but it is our most common way to travel. Walking is immediate, carbon free, and free.  A shift to walkable communities is a shift to…

About Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a critical solution to the unsustainable, car-dependant, and transit-poor urban sprawl that has characterized the growth of cities around the world over the last century. It also contrasts with transit-adjacent development that fails to foster the strong walking and cycling environment needed to complement and actively support the use of…

If you are a member of the press, contact us for additional information. There can be an 80% cut in CO2 emissions if cities embrace 3 revolutions (3R) in vehicle technology: automation, electrification, and, most importantly, ride sharing.  This report examines analysis from ITDP and UC Davis showing how 3R synergy provides 40% reduction in urban…

Many of the world’s most important cities are expanding rapidly without adequate transportation planning. People Near Rapid Transit (PNT) measures the number of residents in a city who live within a short walking distance (1 km) of high-quality rapid transit. This is a good way to estimate accessibility and rapid transit coverage in large cities….

All over the world, many cities have faced difficulties in expanding their rapid transit networks at the scales and rates needed to meet the challenges posed by urban population growth, economic development and climate change. In order to understand how to respond to these challenges, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) undertook an…

Letter from the CEO: Putting Pedestrians First Healthy, Equitable, Environmental Cities Transforming Our World with New Sustainable Development Goals In Yichang, China, A New BRT Connects the City A Sustainable Smart Future: New Transport Investments Tool Shows Indian Cities the Way Forward Changing Direction: Walking and Cycling in African Cities How to Enjoy the City…


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