On Wednesday, National Congressman Jonadab Martínez (MC-Jalisco) introduced a groundbreaking National Road Safety Act to the Chamber of Deputies, Mexico’s lower house. The law was drafted with the support of numerous NGOs, insurance companies and public officials of different levels and branches of government. Even though some important milestones have been achieved at the local…

Photo source: CNN While urban street design in China often focuses on the needs of cars, the local government of Dongguan, an industrial city in China’s Pearl River Delta, decided to put people first when rebranding the Dongcheng commercial district. ITDP China’s work with DUPD and the Dongcheng district government changed Dongcheng’s car-filled past transforming…

In March 2016, the Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos inaugurated a BRT system in Cartagena, a historical city of one million people on the Caribbean coast.  Its centerpiece is a 10.5 km long segregated busway along Av Pedro de Heredia, connecting the old town with the “El Portal” transfer terminal.  Each of its 16 stations…

Allowing passengers to board a bus at any door (front, back, middle) and pre-pay are basic elements of BRT. These elements are also the foundation of good bus service generally as seen in best practice cities around the world. Yet only a handful of U.S. cities have managed to integrate all-door boarding and pre-paying in…

The world is in the midst of a data explosion. This has the potential to transform cities in many ways by helping to plan for new transport infrastructure and urban growth, and better utilize existing infrastructure and services. Yet, many urban planning experts are finding that cities are not fully benefiting from these opportunities. The old paradigm…

The BostonBRT Station Design Competition is an ideas competition for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stations in Boston.  The competition created an opportunity for designers to showcase creative, innovative and inspiring modern design for a critical part of the BRT System: The Station. BostonBRT challenged the design community to think beyond the traditional bus stop and bring…

While some world leaders deny that our climate is changing, Mexico City is sinking. Increased heat and drought, exacerbated by the emissions of millions of vehicles in the world’s most congested city, are worsening water shortages in Mexico’s capital. As drilling goes deeper and deeper for more water, Mexico City’s foundation is eroding and causing…

From April 19-23rd, Mexico City hosted thousands of people from over twenty countries to participate in the 6th edition of the World Bike Forum, under the slogan: handmade cities. This forum was a direct result of all the knowledge and collaboration inherited by the first host cities; Porto Alegre and Curtitiba, Brazil, and Santiago, Chile. The…

Naomi Mwaura, Mandela Washington Fellow from ITDP Africa, reports from Kigali, Rwanda about the city’s growing transport improvements. 4G Internet service on city buses? Stored fare cards to pay for transit rides? Smartphone apps to hail motorcycle taxis? Monthly car-free days? These perks may sound like standard fare for cities looking to enhance their sustainable…


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