BostonBRT and ITDP are calling for submissions to a station design competition to encourage creative visions of what a bus rapid transit (BRT) system in Boston. Winners will receive cash prizes and a travel package to ITDP’s international MOBILIZE Summit in Santiago, Chile. Bus rapid transit (BRT) is being considered for the greater Boston area as a means…

  ————————— Cities are designed for the male commuter. Transit is oriented to peak-time commutes. Buses are cumbersome for those carrying packages, travelling with children, or with limited mobility. Activities are separated, making it harder to do multiple errands in one trip. Sidewalks are obstructed, buckled, pockmarked, or even non-existent, making walking treacherous. —————————  …

Asia Pacific Rail, the largest gathering of senior rail leaders in Asia focused on sustainable railway development in the Asian Pacific region, spoke with ITDP China’s Deputy Country Director, Xianyuan Zhu, about transit-oriented development in China.  The growth of cities around the world has been characterized by unsustainable, car-dependent and transit-poor urban sprawl. To remedy…

Meeting of the Minds, a global knowledge sharing platform, spoke with Richard Barone of Regional Plan Association (RPA) about the hidden but critical issues of freight and goods movement in cities around the world. In his role as Vice President for Transportation at RPA, Mr. Barone is responsible for the organization’s transportation portfolio in the areas…

With numerous metropolitan regions in the U.S. facing affordable housing issues, some cities are tackling the issue by revising off-street parking requirements, which, in their current form, contribute to the increasing costs of housing. In February, the New York City the Department of City Planning proposed to eliminate mandatory parking requirements for certain housing types within a…

Many medium-size cities today are projected to become big cities by 2050. Given the fast pace of change and based on your evaluation of projects around the world, how can those cities deliver needed transport infrastructure that actually benefits most people? For a national development strategy to be meaningful for middle-sized cities, those cities need…


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