Language: English

This paper was prepared by Walter Hook, Executive Director, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), as a contribution to the OECD/ITF Global Forum on Transport and Environment in a Globalising World that will be held 10-12 November 2008 in Guadalajara, Mexico. It discusses ways to mitigate the risk of climate change by reducing travel…

Download this presentation Source: Luc Nadal

Download this presentation Source: Xavier Trevino

Renderings of the modern cycle rickshaws designed for the India Cycle Rickshaw Improvement Project. The project resulted in nearly half a million modern rickshaws in North India. Advantages include a low step-in height, space for luggage and other passenger-friendly features like a permanent top which provides year round protection from sun and rain. Download image…

The drawings of the modern cycle rickshaws were designed for the India Cycle Rickshaw Improvement Project. The project resulted in nearly half a million modern rickshaws in North India. The new rickshaws are revolutionary in terms of safety and comfort both for the rickshaw drivers as well as the passengers. Advantages include a 30% weight…

Download Blueprint 1 Download Blueprint 2 Source: Shreya Gadepalli, ITDP

Blueprints of the modern cycle rickshaws designed for the India Cycle Rickshaw Improvement Project. The project resulted in nearly half a million modern rickshaws in North India. Download Blueprint 1 Download Blueprint 2 Source: Shreya Gadepalli, ITDP

Razón #1: Tengamos nuestra prioridades bien establecidas Razón #2: Nuestras banquetas en su gran mayoría no dan los anchos necesarios ni siquiera para los peatones Razón #3: No queremos conflictos entre ciclistas-peatones Razón #4: La bicileta en un programa serio de movilidad urbana  no debe ser vista como un juguete. Debe ser visto como un vehículo que como tal…


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