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A historical look at areas of Budapest, with an eye toward directing future growth in the city. The paper evaluates current concerns for the city, and provides ‘humble but politically realistic’ recommendations for reinvigorating and strengthening this historic capital city.

Testimony of Michael A. Replogle Global Policy Director and Founder, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy Policy and Strategy Consultant, Environmental Defense Fund July 7, 2009 Senate Banking Committee Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Subcommittee

India, like other developing countries, is characterized by its rising population, mounting urbanization and motorization, and low per capita income. As Indian cities have grown in population, they have also spread outward. A lack of effective planning and land use controls has resulted in rapid, rampant sprawl extending beyond old city boundaries and into the distant countryside. This greatly increased…

This article appears in the June 2009 issue of EM Magazine, a publication of the Air & Waste Management Association. Some of the most important technical innovations in the transportation field have nothing to do with vehicle technology or alternative fuels. Rather, they involve the way bus services are operated and infrastructure is used to optimize their…

This article was published in ULI Asia Pacific Spring 2009 eNews.   Millions of people in Beijing and other Chinese cities are witnessing a dramatic improvement in the quality of their housing, offices, and where they eat and shop. But what will happen to city livability, traffic congestion, global oil consumption and climate change as more…

Download this presentation Source: Bradley Schroeder

群力新区是哈尔滨市城市总体规划中确定的近期重点开发建设的新区。群力新 区位于松花江南岸,哈尔滨市道里区西部。东起何家沟,西至规划四环路,南 起哈双北线,北至江南群力堤,总用地面积 27.33 km2,规划人口32万。 本着可持续发展的交通政策和观点及以人为本的目的,为了更好的将亚洲发展 银行可持续交通研究项目的成果更好的和哈尔滨新区建设有效结合,将群力新 区设计为不是为了解决短期的车辆交通阻塞,而是为了建成一个我们梦想的可 居住的和有吸引力的城市新区,受哈尔滨市群力新区开发建设管理办公室的委 托,开展本咨询研究工作。 我单位联合ITDP(交通政策和发展研究所)、国外咨询公司和北京卓星工程 咨询有限责任公司共同对部分道路设计和交通规划进行优化设计咨询。

In the early 1980s, owning a motorcycle was equivalent in status terms to having an expensive imported car today. During the reform and opening‐up period in the 1980s, motorcycles gradually began to enter millions of households.  Faced with very rapid increases in the motorcycle vehicle fleet, the city perceived a number of problems associated with motorcycles. Due to…


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