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Razón #1: Tengamos nuestra prioridades bien establecidas Razón #2: Nuestras banquetas en su gran mayoría no dan los anchos necesarios ni siquiera para los peatones Razón #3: No queremos conflictos entre ciclistas-peatones Razón #4: La bicileta en un programa serio de movilidad urbana  no debe ser vista como un juguete. Debe ser visto como un vehículo que como tal…

Un resumen del diagnostico de los sistemas troncal y alimentador, análisis y planteamiento de alternativas, evaluación de alternativas seleccionadas y recomendaciones.

Download this presentation Source: Walter Hook, ITDP

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This paper centers on a case study of the serious parking issues found in the historic Daoli district of Harbin, one of northeast China’s major cities. Nearly half of parking takes place informally, usually on walkways and in building setbacks. More than 3,300 cars are parked on walkways and in setbacks in the Daoli study area during…

The national government of China sets a broad policy framework but does not generally play a direct role in sustainable urban transport policy formulation and implementation at the city level in China. Policy in areas such as public transport, demand management, non-motorized transport, land use, traffic safety and parking are determined largelt at the city…


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