Type: Webinar

How can you make your city more walkable? ITDP’s new Pedestrians First interactive tools can help. During this webinar, we get into the details of what matters for walkability,  and how to use these new tools in your city.

Pune, India, received the 2020 Sustainable Transport Award for achievements in advancing budgetary policy and institutional reforms that transformed city streets, especially for pedestrians. During this webinar, speakers will highlight how over the past decade Pune has shown extraordinary commitments and progress to accelerating sustainable mobility projects, becoming a best practice for Indian cities.

While pandemics have always shaped our urban environments, COVID-19 has spurred discussions around the ‘end of city life’ and the role of density in healthy living. Although density enables an agglomeration of people, ideas, activities and services critical to urban life, many cities also suffer from overcrowding and poor living conditions. During this webinar, panelists…

Our world continues to change and evolve everyday since the coronavirus outbreak, and this pandemic will likely have longer-term impacts on our individual behaviors, lifestyles, commutes and travel. In China, strict containment measures have reduced the spread of the virus but also profoundly impacted urban transport systems. In this webinar, ITDP China will discuss the…

During this time of enormous growth in on-demand e-commerce, freight travel behavior patterns are distinct and rapidly evolving, generating unique demands for on- and even off-street space. Long term, as cities around the world adopt a “complete streets” approach, freight must be considered. By redesigning streets to allocate street and curbside space for transit and…

Cities around the world are realizing the potential of using low-cost materials like paint and planters—often referred to as tactical urbanism projects— to reclaim street space and improve safety and comfort for pedestrians and cyclists. ITDP works with cities in the Global South to design and implement “proof of concept” tactical urbanism projects, with the…

Cycling is a powerful tool to improve transportation and access in cities around the world. Many international agreements encourage cycling growth as a strategy to improve air quality, and NGOs and governments have developed guidance on how to implement specific pro-cycling policies. However, it is often unclear which policies will prove most successful in different…

Jakarta, Indonesia received the 2020 STA honorable mention for expanding and improving its BRT system, Transjakarta. This system has doubled ridership in less than three years, serving almost 1 million riders a day. Transjakarta integrated with the city’s minibus services, “kopajas,” to greatly expand coverage and also improved pedestrian access and intermodality at transit stations…


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