Type: Report

Part 2: Growing Rapid Transit Infrastructure —Funding, Financing, and Capacity Large cities of the world require strong coverage of rapid transit networks to ensure they remain competitive, and that local communities have a healthy environment, vibrant urban economy, and an equitable, high quality of life for all residents. Many cities—especially those with growing populations, incomes, and/or large infrastructure deficits—have…

The Potential for Dramatically Increasing Bicycle and E-bike Use in Cities Around the World, with Estimated Energy, CO2, and Cost Impacts Cycling plays a major role in personal mobility around the world, but it could play a much bigger role. Given the convenience, health benefits, and affordability of bicycles, they could provide a far greater proportion of urban passenger…

The Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) identified on-street parking mismanagement in Kyiv as a major issue for the city’s quality of life, public budget and overall transport functions. In response to KCSA’s request for assistance in parking reform, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) commissioned this assignment and appointed a team of consultants who analyzed the current…

Ranchi is the capital of Jharkhand, a state that remains largely rural, but is urbanising fast. The use of personal motor vehicles is expanding rapidly in Ranchi, leading to congestion in central areas and safety challenges. Ranchi lacks a formalised public transport system and people are largely dependent on paratransit for their day-to-day travel. This report aims to develop…

Boston finds itself at a crossroads. The metropolitan area is in dire need of bold, modern, resilient, but also cost-efficient transit solutions to improve and complement our existing system. The record-level snowfall in 2015 and other extreme weather events are harsh reminders of this longstanding reality. Metropolitan area planners have included BRT in a number…

Já está disponível para download o novo Caderno de Referência para Elaboração de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana (PlanMob). O documento tem por objetivo auxiliar as cidades na elaboração de seus planos de mobilidade. Inicialmente publicado em 2007, o caderno passou por uma cuidadosa revisão técnica do Ministério das Cidades e instituições parceiras, dentre elas o ITDP Brasil,  incorporando na versão…

No dia 14 de março de 2015, um grupo de representantes da sociedade civil se reuniu para promover um primeiro momento de reflexão sobre o Plano de Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável (PMUS) da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Este grupo discutiu e sistematizou temas centrais que devem ser contemplados no PMUS com o objetivo de melhorar…

O BRT TransCarioca, no Rio de Janeiro, é o segundo dos quatro corredores de Bus Rapid Transit projetados para a cidade a ser inaugurado. Em operação desde junho de 2014, este corredor cria a primeira ligação transversal da Capital, integrando-se a linhas de metrô e trem e atendendo bairros consolidados, mas historicamente carentes de sistemas de transporte…

Increased car ownership in Beijing has resulted in a higher demand for parking spaces. Rather than taking a restrictive approach to parking as a means to reduce car travel and ownership, the government is trying to increase parking supply in an effort to solve parking problems. Simply increasing parking supply is not a solution as it leads to more traffic and…


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