Topic: Public Transport

About Electric buses have enormous potential to improve urban transport systems. The rapid growth of battery-electric buses (BEBs) signals increasing interest in this technology as a means to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve quality of life. Cities must electrify their buses as more and more people around the world depend on buses than…

About During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, cities responded quickly to changes in travel demands, providing pop-up cycle lanes, reduced-cost and/or flexible bikeshare access, and other mobility  interventions that positioned micromobility as an essential transport mode. Since then, cities have continued to look towards expanding access to these modes to bring people back to public…

Paratransit (also known as informal or semiformal public transport) is a dominating force in urban transport systems today. In many parts of the world, primarily lower- and middle-income countries (LICs & MICs), paratransit provides crucial access to jobs, goods, and services. It also operates with little government oversight or regulation, which can lead to inadequate…

Rapid transit is the backbone of public transportation, especially in large cities, because it allows people to travel quickly between different neighborhoods. It functions best as part of a larger urban mobility system that includes walking and cycling. The Rapid Transit Database (RTDB) is a collection of all rapid transit corridors worldwide that relies on…

This implementation playbook outlines critical steps and decision points to implement a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor in Massachusetts between the cities of Everett and Boston. Included are data-rich insights into specific on-the-ground conditions and illustrations of creative bus priority improvements in Everett along a potential Everett-to-Boston BRT corridor. The playbook highlights how the City…

The City of Kisumu is experiencing rapid economic and population growth, resulting in high rates of urbanization and motorization. Conventional planning solutions have focused more on addressing the needs of motorists and neglecting the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and those taking public transport. Increasing reliance on private motorized mobility is making transport in Kisumu increasingly…

This issue of the Sustainable Transport magazine reflects on the far reaching impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global community – and, more importantly, the many ways that cities and communities, like Jakarta, Indonesia, winner of the Sustainable Transport Award in 2021,  have shown strength and resilience in the face of uncertainty. Take…

About the Series The “Access for All” series distills common messages of inclusion, equity, and access for everyone to achieve equitable sustainable urban mobility. Each paper and related resources explore how transport systems have failed to account for diverse mobility patterns. This series provides recommendations for key stakeholders from civil society, subnational authorities, donor organizations,…

A resource for planners and policy makers to successfully advocate for and implement BRT systems in U.S. cities. While momentum in recent decades has elevated bus rapid transit (BRT) as more than an emerging mode in the U.S., this high-capacity, high quality bus-based mass transit system remains largely unfamiliar to most Americans. This guide offers…


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