Topic: Climate and Transit Policy

Rising incomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) portend rising use of motor vehicles, with attendant challenges to manage traffic congestion, air pollution, energy security, and global warming, as well as growing disparities in access to opportunities between those who have cars and those who do not. International concern regarding the effects of climate…

Esta guía presenta brevemente los criterios con que se deben evaluar los estacionamientos para bicicletas y los actores principales (usuarios y municipalidad/operador) que están involucrados en el desarrollo de un proyecto de este tipo. Después presenta propuestas de estacionamientos para bicicleta y finaliza con una valoración de los factores de decisión y calificación de cada…

An issue paper discussing the role of transport in preparation for the RIo+20 Summit. The paper discusses the benefits of an “Avoid – Shift – Improve” mentatlity, and articualtes the need for transportation to be addressed directrly by the international community, rather than as a component of other issues. Transport is a key sector for sustainable…

In advance of the Rio+ 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, world leaders, agencies, experts, NGOs, businesses,  and citizens of the world are preparing to take action to address the growing threat of climate change. ITDP is working with our partners to lay the groundwork for sustainable urban transportation to be prominently on the agenda….

ITDP helped draft these recommendations with SLoCaT and submitted it to the UN for consideration as part of the “zero” draft of the agreement to be negotiated at Rio+20 (the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio, 2012). These recommendations have been endorsed by 20+ organizations around the world.

The Testimony of Michael Replogle, Global Policy Director and Founder for the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. Hearing on Accelerating the Project Delivery Process: Eliminating Bureaucratic Red Tape and Making Every Dollar Count, Tuesday, February 15, 2011,…

Testimony of Michael A. Replogle Global Policy Director and Founder, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy Policy and Strategy Consultant, Environmental Defense Fund July 7, 2009 Senate Banking Committee Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Subcommittee

The national government of China sets a broad policy framework but does not generally play a direct role in sustainable urban transport policy formulation and implementation at the city level in China. Policy in areas such as public transport, demand management, non-motorized transport, land use, traffic safety and parking are determined largelt at the city…


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