The video below highlights the principles that make a modern Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system.

The building blocks of inclusive cities. This is an illustration of the MIX principle from the TOD Standard. When there is a balanced mix of complementary uses and activities within a local area (e.g., a mix of residences, workplaces and local retail commerce), many daily trips can remain short and walkable. Diverse uses peaking at…

By Santiago Fernández Reyes & Gonzalo Peón Carballo, ITDP Mexico (see in Full Report in Spanish here) Over eight million people rely on public transport in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA). Many daily commuters travel two hours each way under conditions that are generally unsafe. In 2016, there were 3,667 traffic collisions involving public…

Pune, India is a city with a population of over 3.5 million people in the central northwest state of Maharashtra located a few hours by bus from Mumbai. It is a rapidly developing city with a growing, robust economy, and fortunately, an ambitious plan to improve mobility. For years, Pune has been moving closer to…

The MOBILIZE Summit, this year in Fortaleza, Brazil welcomes a diverse group of speakers from across the globe to discuss their cities’ transportation interventions over two days. The theme this year is “Reclaiming Streets for Access and Mobility” as the agenda emphasizes the importance of building spaces for all groups. Learn about the plenary speakers…

Jacob manages data collection, reporting, and evaluation for ITDP globally. He specializes in strategic research that drives the conversation about sustainable transportation and development, assessing new technologies and identifying new, quantifiable ways of meeting program goals. Jacob has been the lead researcher for many of ITDP’s most recognized publications, including the Bike Share Planning Guide,…

Janette Sadik-Khan served as Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) from 2007-2013, where she implemented an ambitious program to improve safety, mobility and sustainability, and ensure a state of good repair on the city’s roads, bridges and ferries. At Bloomberg Associates, she works with mayors around the world to reimagine…


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