Urbanist by the Architecture Faculty of National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), he spent a semester abroad at University of Guadalajara. César joined ITDP Mexico in 2012 at public transport area, where has participated in projects for mexican cities, mainly related to mobility plans, transport systems modeling and proposals, and evaluation for infrastructure, operation and…

Jacob (he/him/his pronouns) manages data collection, reporting, and evaluation for ITDP globally. He specializes in strategic research that drives the conversation about sustainable transportation and development, assessing new technologies and identifying new, quantifiable ways of meeting program goals. Jacob has been the lead researcher for many of ITDP’s most recognized publications, including the Bike Share…

Iwona (she/her/hers pronouns) is a Program Manager in the Global team responsible for content management and production of training materials, best practices and visual content for ITDP’s capacity building program. In her role, she oversees knowledge sharing across ITDP country offices and brings her technical expertise to different programs, helping identify strategies and new ways…

Sunter Jaya is one of over 2,500 kampungs, or urban villages, in Jakarta’s northern metropolitan area. Sunter Jaya is unique because it has developed in a way that features active pedestrian spaces and walkable streets; prime characteristics of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Building on the physical and community qualities of the kampung, ITDP recently spearheaded a…

  Today, more than half of Brazilians are under the age of 20, and more than 10 percent are over 65. In Brazil as in much of the world, these groups are some of the most reliant on public transportation, but the least likely to have a voice in the planning process. Brazilian cities have…

Congestion is an ongoing and well understood problem that plagues many cities India. Today in Mumbai there are more cars than before and due to increased traffic, buses are running slower than they did in previous years. Drops in bus ridership are easy to attribute to the decreased reliability due to increased traffic. While congestion…

What is a TNC? A TNC is a Transportation Network Company, defined as a digital application that matches potential riders with drivers in real time. Popular TNCs include Uber, Lyft, DiDi, Taxify, among many others. While TNCs have existed for over a decade, cities are still grappling with how to regulate them within a larger…


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