In early 2013, the head of the Jakarta Transportation Agency announced that parking would be better managed in Pasar Baru—a popular, historic shopping area that draws hundreds of local and regional customers each week. Parking in Pasar Baru is everywhere: along curbsides, on sidewalks, perpendicular to streets and in scattered in setbacks. Motorbikes outpace private…

Park(ing) Day offers a chance for people to transform their streets. Parking reform offers cities a way to balance space for people and cars in the long-term. Since 2005, Park(ing) Day has been challenging citizens everywhere to convert curbside parking into temporary pop-up parks and more. This raises public awareness about issues ITDP has long…

by Michael Kodransky, ITDP Mexico City has enacted on-street parking reform for the first time in years. In April this year, the City’s Polanco district, an upmarket residential neighborhood, completed implementation of a new parking management system, introducing 426 multispace meters to streets where parking had previously been free. The new system is branded ecoParq underscoring…

Every car trip begins and ends in a parking space, making parking regulation a powerful way to manage congestion and improve air quality. They can also free up valuable public space in urban centers for bike lanes, bus lanes, or streetscape improvements or even help raise funds for these initiatives. ITDP reviewed parking practices in…

Every car trip begins and ends in a parking space, making parking regulation a powerful way to manage congestion and improve air quality. They can also free up valuable public space in urban centers for bike lanes, bus lanes, or streetscape improvements or even help raise funds for these initiatives. ITDP reviewed parking practices in…

Drivers everywhere complain about a lack of parking. City governments worry that parking shortages will create chaos on the streets, congestion, and air pollution from cars cruising for spaces. This perceived scarcity is often not the problem. The problem is usually that the existing supply is not managed well. Better managed parking leads to better streets for all – car…

This year all of ITDP’s field offices participated in Park(ing) Day, or supported a local non-governmental organization that organized an event. Here are some photos of our Park(ing) Day events! View more photos of the Parking Day Events here. See more on our facebook page:

Sep 21, 2011 Recognizing the critical importance of parking management as part of a holistic effort to promote sustainable transport, the Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) has initiated the process of developing a parking policy for the city. Rajkot’s problems relating to parking policy and other traffic and transport issues were discussed at a workshop organized…

The Asian Development Bank released a new report this month, Parking Policy in Asian Cities, authored by Paul Barter, with research assistance from ITDP staff from India and China. The report finds that while many Asian cities fear shortages of parking supply, in fact supply would be sufficient if better parking management policies where in place…


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