Decrease parking, increase public transit, and focus on mixed use development to increase mobility in your city. That’s the case ITDP staffer Michael Kodransky made at a panel in São Paulo discussing plans for the city’s upcoming Strategic Master Plan. Parking reductions are an important tool for cities seeking to direct growth around public transit…

Three years ago, Rio de Janeiro had more than 2.8 million privately owned cars, a number that is expected to reach over 3 million by 2015. The city’s road network can’t accommodate these increases, leading to more traffic congestion and increased travel times. According to a survey conducted in 2009, ‘Cariocas’ (Rio residents) spend an…

This guidebook is the result of a study carried out in 12 cities across five countries throughout Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) looking at parking and travel demand management (TDM) policies. It serves two main objectives: to present the general findings of the fieldwork carried out in the focus cities, comparing their…

Transportation systems in many Chinese cities have reached a critical moment in dealing with traffic congestion and perceived parking shortages stemming from rapid motorization. Recent research shows that oversupplying parking, as many cities did in response to increased car use, in fact, worsens congestion problems. Cities that have limited or capped parking supply in dense…

Many of the mobility issues faced by the Hipódromo neighborhood have their roots in the movement of activity towards the west and south, and the creation of de facto economic centers previously located the city’s historic center. The movement of economic activities toward the southwest eventually turned into a corridor with an axis that flowed…

This guidebook is the result of a study carried out in 12 cities across five countries throughout Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) looking at parking and travel demand management (TDM) policies. It serves two main objectives: to present the general findings of the fieldwork carried out in the focus cities, comparing their…

Transportation systems in many Chinese cities have reached a critical moment in dealing with traffic congestion and perceived parking shortages stemming from rapid motorization. Recent research shows that oversupplying parking, as many cities did in response to increased car use, in fact, worsens congestion problems. Cities that have limited or capped parking supply in dense…

Many of the mobility issues faced by the Hipódromo neighborhood have their roots in the movement of activity towards the west and south, and the creation of de facto economic centers previously located the city’s historic center. The movement of economic activities toward the southwest eventually turned into a corridor with an axis that flowed…

“Cities are for people”, said Mr. Phanindra Reddy, a Municipal Secretary of the Chennai Metro Rail (CMRL) in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, “this is the mantra we have to keep in mind when we do our work.” This sentiment was echoed by keynote speaker, city planner and educator Peter J. Park, and Senior…


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