Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change Dar es Salaam Leads a Breakthrough for African Cities New Streets and Street Life in Moscow At MOBILIZE Santiago, Just and Equitable Cities are the New Normal In India, the City of Pune Takes the Lead in Making Space for Transit and People Less Parking, More City: How…

“Ultimately, transportation is the fulcrum that allows women to participate in the workforce; a societal shift to transform the entire world economy.” – Sonal Shah, Former Senior Manager, ITDP India Programme  Centred around this idea, ITDP and Safetipin have released a policy brief on Women and Transport in Indian Cities. The draft was released on 13…

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Letter from the CEO: Inclusive TOD for Sustainable, Equitable Cities Santiago, Chile Improves Equity by Putting Pedestrians First At MOBILIZE Yichang, Mid-Size City Takes the Lead People Near Transit: A New Metric for Accessibility to Rapid Transit Mobility as Equity: Low-Income People Near Transit Is Your City Made for You? 14 Years in the Making,…

  ————————— Cities are designed for the male commuter. Transit is oriented to peak-time commutes. Buses are cumbersome for those carrying packages, travelling with children, or with limited mobility. Activities are separated, making it harder to do multiple errands in one trip. Sidewalks are obstructed, buckled, pockmarked, or even non-existent, making walking treacherous. —————————  …

Letter from the CEO: Inclusive TOD for Sustainable, Equitable Cities Santiago, Chile Improves Equity by Putting Pedestrians First At MOBILIZE Yichang, Mid-Size City Takes the Lead People Near Transit: A New Metric for Accessibility to Rapid Transit Mobility as Equity: Low-Income People Near Transit Is Your City Made for You? 14 Years in the Making,…

ITDP México, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial, and Urban Development (SEDATU), and the British Embassy in Mexico, recently launched Ciudad Equitativa Ciudad Inclusiva (CECI), an online tool that trains authorities on sustainable mobility strategies. More specifically, CECI, translating to Equitable City Inclusive City, is an online platform that allows local stakeholders in…

You hear a lot about the work that we do but not much about the people who make it all possible here at ITDP… until now. This is the inaugural installment of our Staff Spotlight series where we discover more about the passionate people who work to drive forward ITDP’s mission. In light of the…

The evening of Sunday August 2nd representatives of 193 countries and several hundred advocates from civil society welcomed a new global vision for the future with euphoric standing ovation. The agreement, “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, includes 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the world. Their approval represents an enormous achievement…


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