By Nour El Deeb, ITDP Africa “I leave home at 5:30 a.m. and arrive at 8 a.m. I take first a tok-tok for 5 EGP from the tunnel to Al -Khalafawy bus station. I wait 15 to 20 minutes for the bus to come. If the bus does not show up, I ride another taxi…

How do we make cities better for all of their residents, including women? Not all design is universal and the divergence across genders needs to be considered in creating design that is equitable and just for all. While women make up 51% of the population, they make up an even larger portion of transit users….

  Women and children face greater challenges in accessing work, educational, and leisure opportunities offered in the cities. To shed light on this issue and formulate gender-sensitive indicators, ITDP Brazil focused on Recife, the capital of Pernambuco State, in northeastern Brazil, to develop Women and Children’s Access to the City.   This report focuses on women,…

How can we ensure that urban transport and development benefits women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities?  How can we make cities, neighborhoods and transport systems safer for all?  As more people migrate to urban centers and mega cities, can we ensure that slum dwellers benefit from economic growth and urban services? Over the…

On July 19, 2017, a court in Nairobi, Kenya, sentenced three men to life in prison for stripping, robbing, and violently sexually assaulting a female commuter on a public bus. The incident, which took place in 2014, rose to national attention because the men were bold enough to film themselves and post the video online….

Recently, C40 opened a call for proposals for the Women4Climate program. In Mexico City, the Women’s Climate Tutoring program was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment of Mexico City. The objective of the program is to empower and inspire the next generation of climate leaders through a global mentoring program dedicated to…

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 8:30-9:30am EST 6-7pm IST   Background The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, India Programme and Safetipin released a a first of its kind policy brief on Women and Transport in Indian Cities in 2017. The policy brief fills a key gap in urban transport literature in India by recommending gender responsive…

Download the full issue here. Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change Dar es Salaam Leads a Breakthrough for African Cities New Streets and Street Life in Moscow At MOBILIZE Santiago, Just and Equitable Cities are the New Normal In India, the City of Pune Takes the Lead in Making Space for Transit and People…


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