[Radio Transcript] NEW YORK, NY May 29, 2009 —If you haven’t noticed, New York City is in the midst of re-thinking its street space. One person who’s been influential in articulating the philosophy behind those changes is the former mayor of Bogota, Colombia—- Enrique Penalosa. WNYC’s Andrea Bernstein recently sat down with Penalosa, who brought-the…

I’ve lived in New York City for just about twenty years now but yesterday was my first trip to Times Square. Sure, I’ve been to Times Square before. Plenty of times. But until yesterday Times Square had never ever been a destination for me. Rather, it had always been a place to avoid or, if…

[Radio Transcript] NEW YORK, NY May 21, 2009 —New York City’s transit system faces two almost-certain realities. Its ridership will swell, and it will continue to struggle financially. But planners are hoping to bring a new type of transit to the city, Bus Rapid Transit, or BRT. More than an express route, BRT is designed…

[Radio Transcript] About 10 years ago, Bogotá’s main artery, known as the Caracas, was filled from side to side with a hodgepodge of yellow, blue, green, white and red buses of all sizes and shapes. The shops were covered in a layer of soot, and the street sat beneath a grayish haze, as the buses…

CEBU CITY, Philippines – The former mayor of Bogota, Colombia will be back in Cebu next month to discuss further Bus Rapid Transit system (BRT), which has been very effective in his country. Enrique Peñalosa will be the guest speaker for the Cebu City Bus Rapid Transit Inter-city Coordination Conference on May 9 at the…

(Boulder, Colo.) – The man who is credited with transforming Bogotá, Colombia, from a congested, deteriorated city into one filled with sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian streets, parks – and even a weekly “car free” day – will give a free afternoon talk in Boulder on Friday, April 3. Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá,…

Durante una hora el ex alcalde de Bogotá y gestor del Transmilenio, Enrique Peñalosa, estuvo ayer en Cali recorriendo el Sistema Integrado de Transporte Masivo de la ciudad, al cual elogió e hizo observaciones para mejorarlo. “Yo creo que el MIO es el comienzo del renacimiento de Cali. Va ser uno de los mejores sistemas…

Durante sua visita a Bogotá, entre os dias 5 e 7, o prefeito Nelson Trad Filho e o diretor presidente da Agência Municipal de Transporte e Trânsito (Agetran), Rudel Trindade, realizaram um passeio ciclístico de duas horas e meia de duração, percorrendo 50 dos 300 km de ciclovias que cortam a cidade como parte do…

Till a few years ago, Bogota, the capital of Colombia (a Latin American country that has been the scene of much civil unrest for over half a century), and its nearly seven million inhabitants had a quality of life no better than that of large sections of the lower middle class and the poor in…


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