Boston finds itself at a crossroads. The metropolitan area is in dire need of bold, modern, resilient, but also cost-efficient transit solutions to improve and complement our existing system. The record-level snowfall in 2015 and other extreme weather events are harsh reminders of this longstanding reality. Metropolitan area planners have included BRT in a number…

Boston finds itself at a crossroads. The metropolitan area is in dire need of bold, modern, resilient, but also cost-efficient transit solutions to improve and complement our existing system. The record-level snowfall in 2015 and other extreme weather events are harsh reminders of this longstanding reality. Metropolitan area planners have included BRT in a number…

Seeing is believing, as the saying goes. That holds true for officials on site visits to high quality public transit projects. Experiencing a successful bus rapid transit or bike share first-hand is often the key to helping decision makers visualize how such systems can be implemented and benefit their city. For years, ITDP has hosted…

With the support of the neighborhood, ITDP Mexico and Mexico Previene (“Prevention Mexico”) recently took to the streets to intervene at a dangerous intersection in central Mexico City. Using tactical urbanism, a tool for reconsidering the distribution of public space, the intervention transformed the intersection into a safe, multimodal crossing. The project aimed to demonstrate…

Nearly a year into operations, the TransCarioca BRT in Rio de Janeiro has become an important link in the city’s transit network and is bringing increased mobility and opportunity to city residents. Nonetheless, the system has room for improvements. In a recently released report, ITDP Brazil conducted rider surveys to determine who is using the…

Seven years in a row and counting. That’s how long ITDP has been awarded four out of four stars by Charity Navigator, the country’s largest and most-used charity evaluator, putting us in the top 2% of all charities evaluated. ITDP earned a score of 96.57 out of 100, an increase from last year’s rating. A four…

by Michael Replogle, Managing Director for Policy and Founder, ITDP, and Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General of the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport, both observers to the Technical Working Group of MDB Working Group on Sustainable Transport In June 2012 the eight largest multilateral development banks (MDBs) made a voluntary commitment to invest $175 billion over the coming…

Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, marked the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Gold Standard Guangzhou BRT. When it opened, the system revolutionized bus rapid transit with its high capacity and ‘direct service’ model. Five years later, the Guangzhou BRT continues to serve 850,000 passengers daily, integrates many additional transport improvements, and…

10th Annual Award Gives First 3-way Tie to Three Brazilian Cities The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing…


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