Language: English

As low and middle-income countries urbanise and grow wealthier, the rates of private motor vehicle use have soared. This severely strains their transport systems and is leading to social, economic, and environmental harm. The capacity to plan for these changes has not proven sufficient. In this study, the ITDP research team assesses capacity in three…

About During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, cities responded quickly to changes in travel demands, providing pop-up cycle lanes, reduced-cost and/or flexible bikeshare access, and other mobility  interventions that positioned micromobility as an essential transport mode. Since then, cities have continued to look towards expanding access to these modes to bring people back to public…

This implementation playbook outlines critical steps and decision points to implement a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor in Massachusetts between the cities of Everett and Boston. Included are data-rich insights into specific on-the-ground conditions and illustrations of creative bus priority improvements in Everett along a potential Everett-to-Boston BRT corridor. The playbook highlights how the City…

About Demand for and use of private cars is growing worldwide, contributing to major challenges like poor air quality, traffic injuries, and climate change, especially in places experiencing rapid urbanization. Population growth and uptake of vehicles, coupled with inefficient public transportation and land use planning, make traffic a complex problem to manage. While many city…

The City of Kisumu is experiencing rapid economic and population growth, resulting in high rates of urbanization and motorization. Conventional planning solutions have focused more on addressing the needs of motorists and neglecting the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and those taking public transport. Increasing reliance on private motorized mobility is making transport in Kisumu increasingly…

This issue of the Sustainable Transport magazine reflects on the far reaching impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global community – and, more importantly, the many ways that cities and communities, like Jakarta, Indonesia, winner of the Sustainable Transport Award in 2021,  have shown strength and resilience in the face of uncertainty. Take…

All car trips begin and end in a parking space. Prioritizing better use of space dedicated to parking for cars is critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cities, making these cities more livable and equitable, a fact that leading urban practitioners and researchers have long recognized. While plentiful parking encourages people to drive, well-managed…

How to scale tactical urbanism using lessons from the Global South In the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, various forms of long term lockdown or shelter-in place orders have limited non-essential travel and resulted in some of the lowest vehicle volumes in decades. Recognizing that people still need (and want) to move around, cities…

Cycling is a powerful tool to improve transportation, increase access, and enhance the quality of life in cities around the world. People in cities that prioritize cycling see huge benefits, from faster commutes and easy connections to public transit, to improved air quality and health. But for many cities where few trips are currently made…


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