First Steps: Urban Mobility in Early Childhood
In order to explore the relationship and impact that urban mobility has on early childhood development and quality of life, ITDP Brazil carried out a study in the city of Recife, with the support of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, the Recife Planning Department and Recife Management (SEPLAG/PCR). The material brings specific recommendations for Recife, but also general recommendations for other Brazilian cities that wish to advance on the subject.
The first report addresses the caregivers’ perspective on the direct and indirect impacts of the quality of urban space and walking mobility infrastructure on children’s lives and the importance that bus stops have in their daily journeys. In the second, we address the obstacles and points of attention identified by caregivers on the bus system as a whole, as well as the opportunities and challenges for public authorities and transport operators who work, directly and indirectly, with urban mobility guidelines. and/or early childhood.
The executive summary, available here in English and Portuguese, brings a compilation of the main results and recommendations found throughout the research and made available in the reports.
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