Cities for All Through Universal Accessibility

December 2024


Inclusion, universal access, and empathy are key to building mobility systems that serve all members of society. It is vital to prioritize the needs of underrepresented groups — such as women, the elderly, children, and people with disabilities — through participatory decision-making in planning and delivering mobility infrastructure.​ Ensuring accessibility and universal design is essential for creating inclusive cities. Persons with disabilities are often overlooked, yet their needs should be central. Accessible public spaces and transportation options make mobility usable for everyone, regardless of their ability.

To identify key challenges, solutions and next steps in creating universally accessible cities, ITDP and Transforming Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) are working together to improve mobility access for people with disabilities, focusing on regions like Latin America, Africa, and Asia. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the challenges people with disabilities face and provide practical guidance for more inclusive transport systems. Elements to this collaboration include the formation of an advisory board of experts, a research report, this visual policy brief, and various multimedia materials to create awareness of inclusive practices.

Learn more in the Hamburg Charter for Inclusive and Just Mobility, signed by ITDP, TUMI, and other global partners.


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