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  • [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility

    [WEBINAR] Indicators For Sustainable Mobility
    Wednesday, January 30, 2019 12pm EST Webinar Recording   More on the Indicators Indicators for Sustainable Mobility Presentation As Climate Change Escalates, US Cities Fail to Provide Car Alternatives   About the Webinar As cities seek to improve their transportation systems to make them more sustainable, equitable, and useful for people, it is critical that they first understand how their system performs.  To that ...
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  • ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson

    ITDP Announces New CEO Heather Thompson
    We are pleased to announce the appointment of Heather Thompson as our new chief executive officer. Ms. Thompson, who has been serving in the role of interim CEO since February, was selected by the ITDP board of directors after an extensive, international search. Her transition to permanent CEO is ongoing, and will be effective October ...
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  • Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years

    Bus Rapid Transit Nearly Quadruples Over Ten Years
    Bus rapid transit has grown by 383 percent in the last ten years, according to new data released by ITDP. As cities around the world discover the benefits and cost effectiveness of BRT, they have built hundreds of systems across dozens of countries that qualify as true BRT. A new interactive map shows a comprehesive ...
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  • ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit

    ITDP Releases New Study on Climate Change Ahead of UN Climate Summit
    As world leaders gather for the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit on September 23rd, ITDP and the University of California, Davis, have released a new report on the impact of transportation emissions on our climate future. According to the new study, more than USD$100 trillion in cumulative public and private spending could be saved, and ...
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  • How the Historic City of Cuenca, Ecuador is Modernizing Its Transport Systems

    How the Historic City of Cuenca, Ecuador is Modernizing Its Transport Systems
    Situated at the intersection of four rivers, the city of Cuenca — the third largest in Ecuador — is an internationally recognized UNESCO World Heritage Site that is making strides to modernize its transport infrastructure and highlight low-carbon mobility.
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  • Exploring the Cycling Gender Gap in China’s Cities

    Exploring the Cycling Gender Gap in China's Cities
    We know that there persists a gender gap in cycling that prevents women and girls from choosing cycling as a primary transport mode in many regions of the world. On International Women’s Day 2023, ITDP China released a new report that provides a look at the state of women cyclists in several major Chinese cities, ...
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  • The Eight Elements of a Cycling City

    The Eight Elements of a Cycling City
    The COVID-19 pandemic underscored long-standing inequity and unsustainability in how we move around our cities. As more and more urban dwellers chose cycling as an essential mode of transportation, ITDP launched the Cycling Cities campaign to align advocates, governments, and NGOs around the opportunity to make cycling safer, more accessible, and more affordable in our ...
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  • What Is A Low Emission Zone?

    What Is A Low Emission Zone?
    In cities experiencing rapid urbanization especially, there is a need to shift away from both private cars and transition to electric vehicles to address climate change, improve air quality, and reduce traffic injuries.  In recent years, low emission zones (LEZs) have grown in popularity as one potentially impactful strategy for cities to reduce dependence on ...
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  • Nominate Your City for the 2024 Sustainable Transport Award

    Nominate Your City for the 2024 Sustainable Transport Award
    Does your city or region deserve more recognition for new transport, street design, or policy improvements that increase mobility and improve quality-of-life for your residents? The Sustainable Transport Award (STA) is a unique, global recognition conferred by a committee of international experts in sustainable transport.
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  • Building Cycling Cities in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil

    Building Cycling Cities in Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil
    Brazil’s cities, like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, have long been faced with unequal patterns of urban development and sprawl that have made mobility and access a major challenge for many people. As the COVID-19 pandemic underscored long-standing inequities and a lack of sustainability in the nation’s transportation, it also demonstrated the immense potential of ...
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  • Compact Electric Cities: The Only Way to 1.5°

    Compact Electric Cities: The Only Way to 1.5°
    To meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and for a chance of limiting climate change to less than 1.5°C, neither vehicle electrification nor mode shift is sufficient alone: the world needs compact electric cities.
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  • Keeping Pace: Opportunities for Change within Greater Boston’s Bus System

    Keeping Pace: Opportunities for Change within Greater Boston’s Bus System
    ITDP and LivableStreets Alliance’s Keeping Pace report shows that the MBTA bus system in Greater Boston has not kept up with surging service demand and offers key recommendations to get it back on track by 2030.
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  • How Beijing is Rethinking Parking and Reclaiming Public Space

    How Beijing is Rethinking Parking and Reclaiming Public Space
    Due to rapid motorization and a lack of parking management policy, Beijing’s sidewalks, setbacks, bicycle lanes, and streets have been gradually taken over by illegal, unsafe parking in recent years. Since 2014, ITDP China has worked with Beijing to develop much-needed parking reforms for the city of over 21 million.
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  • The City We Claim: Mobility in Mexico City

    The City We Claim: Mobility in Mexico City
    This article was authored by Pablo Montaño, Producer and Writer of El Tema (The Topic), a Spanish-language web series focused on climate change and mobility.
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