Type: Report

This guidebook is the result of a study carried out in 12 cities across five countries throughout Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) looking at parking and travel demand management (TDM) policies. It serves two main objectives: to present the general findings of the fieldwork carried out in the focus cities, comparing their…

Rising incomes in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) portend rising use of motor vehicles, with attendant challenges to manage traffic congestion, air pollution, energy security, and global warming, as well as growing disparities in access to opportunities between those who have cars and those who do not. International concern regarding the effects of climate…

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Transportation systems in many Chinese cities have reached a critical moment in dealing with traffic congestion and perceived parking shortages stemming from rapid motorization. Recent research shows that oversupplying parking, as many cities did in response to increased car use, in fact, worsens congestion problems. Cities that have limited or capped parking supply in dense…

The Transoeste Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone is not only an internationally recognized gold-standard BRT in and of itself, it is also the first of four major gold-standard BRT corridors to be built in the city. When all corridors are built, the city will have a network of more…

Durante os dias 9, 10 e 11 de setembro, o Instituto de Políticas de Transporte e Desenvolvimento (ITDP Brasil) realizou um Workshop de Planejamento Urbano em Bonsucesso parte do programa “As Cidades Somos Nós”, com o objetivo de discutir o conceito de Desenvolvimento Orientado ao Transporte (TOD, sigla em inglês) no entorno da futura estação do BRT Transbrasil, Joana Nascimento,…

A year after parking meters were implemented in Polanco, ITDP Mexico has evaluated the impact of this program on the neighborhood. Prior to system implementation, ITDP Mexico conducted a baseline study of the Polanco neighborhood in Mexico City. Data was compiled on the pre-meter situation to build a better foundation for post-implementation assessment. The preliminary…

Increasingly, cities in the US, finding themselves short of funds, are wondering whether BRT, a lower cost mass transit solution initially developed in Latin America and a relatively new form of mass transit in the US, could also be used here to leverage transit-oriented development investments. This report provides an answer. In the wake of…

Esta guía presenta brevemente los criterios con que se deben evaluar los estacionamientos para bicicletas y los actores principales (usuarios y municipalidad/operador) que están involucrados en el desarrollo de un proyecto de este tipo. Después presenta propuestas de estacionamientos para bicicleta y finaliza con una valoración de los factores de decisión y calificación de cada…


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