Topic: Traffic Reduction

If you are a member of the press, contact us for additional information. There can be an 80% cut in CO2 emissions if cities embrace 3 revolutions (3R) in vehicle technology: automation, electrification, and, most importantly, ride sharing.  This report examines analysis from ITDP and UC Davis showing how 3R synergy provides 40% reduction in urban…

Letter from the CEO: Putting Pedestrians First Healthy, Equitable, Environmental Cities Transforming Our World with New Sustainable Development Goals In Yichang, China, A New BRT Connects the City A Sustainable Smart Future: New Transport Investments Tool Shows Indian Cities the Way Forward Changing Direction: Walking and Cycling in African Cities How to Enjoy the City…

  Parking is a mystery. Many public agencies push for more parking in buildings, but, rather than alleviating the parking problem, it leads to massive traffic jams, severe air pollution, and more road deaths. Under the illusion that density creates congestion, public agencies also control building density. However, it is parking, not density, that creates…

The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing quality of life in its major cities. In 2014, Belo Horizonte…

The Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) identified on-street parking mismanagement in Kyiv as a major issue for the city’s quality of life, public budget and overall transport functions. In response to KCSA’s request for assistance in parking reform, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) commissioned this assignment and appointed a team of consultants who analyzed the current…

Hoy se construyen más espacios de estacionamientos que oficinas y viviendas en las ciudades mexicanas. Esto se refleja en la mala calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. Ya que más cajones incentivan más viajes en auto. Además los grandes estacionamientos ocupan lugares donde podría haber parques, comercio, vivienda o servicios. La solución es que las…

Increased car ownership in Beijing has resulted in a higher demand for parking spaces. Rather than taking a restrictive approach to parking as a means to reduce car travel and ownership, the government is trying to increase parking supply in an effort to solve parking problems. Simply increasing parking supply is not a solution as it leads to more traffic and…

There are many other potential uses for spaces reserved for parking. This illustration puts the opportunity costs in perspective, showing how the private and public realm could be reshaped for higher value purposes. Download this infographic Source: ITDP

Parking demands, like other transport demand patterns, operate on a peak and off-peak schedule depending on related land use. Distinct but complementary patterns, such as “office parking” that is generally empty in the evenings and on weekends and “residential parking” that is generally fuller in the evenings, offers an opportunity for cities to better satisfy residents and commuters…


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