Topic: Public Transport

Em agosto de 2014, aconteceu a oficina “Ruas completas ao longo do Transcarioca”, uma iniciativa do ITDP Brasil em parceria com a Secretaria de Conservação da Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro (SECONSERVA). A oficina teve como objetivo analisar o entorno de duas estações do BRT Transcarioca, Cardoso de Moraes/Viúva Garcia e Mercadão, de acordo com os…

Chennai is a city at the cross roads between history and development, with the potential to develop into a global and cultural center that provides improved quality of life to its people. This improved quality of life can be provided through high quality transit systems that not only provide connectivity, but also ensure safety, comfort,…

ITDP India Regional Director Shreya Gadepalli presented at a workshop on BRT in India, held in June 2014 in Indore, India. Download this presentation

ITDP has decided to promote public discussion on the future redevelopment of Modal Transfer Centers (CETRAM) Mexico City, to spread the work “Megacentralidades: Proposal CETRAM integration of urban development in Mexico City.” This proposal is based on the analysis of 49 CETRAM three scales (urban network, radius of influence and building), and from this, three…

The Bike-Share Planning Guide establishes many important metrics and principles for evaluating bike-share systems around the world. Although each city makes bike-share its own, adapting it to the local context, many of the most successful systems share certain common features. The Guide provides important standards and insights into best practices for building bike-shares, and this infographic…

The Transoeste Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone is not only an internationally recognized gold-standard BRT in and of itself, it is also the first of four major gold-standard BRT corridors to be built in the city. When all corridors are built, the city will have a network of more…

Guangzhou, China opened its new 22.5-kilometer Bus Rapid Transit corridor in 2010. This is the first part of a report which is part of a longer-term monitoring and evaluation program for the Guangzhou BRT. This portion focuses primarily on the system’s impacts on CO2 and air pollution.

The transportation system in the United States has often been dominated by a particular mode. A century ago it was rail; in the last several decades it  has been the automobile. Over time we have come to learn that while various modes have a tremendous impact on the shape of our communities, the movement of goods,…

Download these presentations: Advancing World Class BRT in the US, Part 1 Advancing World Class BRT in the US, Part 2 


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