Topic: Gender

About In 2021, the City of Jakarta was selected as the winner of the 2021 Sustainable Transport Award. Together with the City of Jakarta, ITDP, and with assistance from TUMI, we bring you “Lessons Learned from Jakarta’s Journey to an Integrated and Resilient Transport System,” a case study report.  Over the last few years, Jakarta…

About A complete neighborhood for babies, toddlers, and caregivers is one where the built environment and mobility options support the health and well-being of families with young children, such that they thrive. This neighborhood includes a mix of services and activities that are safely accessible through walking, and are well-connected to the rest of the…

About the Series The “Access for All” series distills common messages of inclusion, equity, and access for everyone to achieve equitable sustainable urban mobility. Each paper and related resources explore how transport systems have failed to account for diverse mobility patterns. This series provides recommendations for key stakeholders from civil society, subnational authorities, donor organizations,…

  Women and children face greater challenges in accessing work, educational, and leisure opportunities offered in the cities. To shed light on this issue and formulate gender-sensitive indicators, ITDP Brazil focused on Recife, the capital of Pernambuco State, in northeastern Brazil, to develop Women and Children’s Access to the City.   This report focuses on women,…

About The “Access for All” series distills common messages of inclusion, equity, and access for everyone to achieve equitable sustainable urban mobility. Future editions include integrating the mobility of children, elderly, informal settlement dwellers, and the physically disabled. The first edition of “Access for All: Access and Gender” explores how transportation systems have failed to…

Download the full issue here. Cities Take the Lead on Climate Change Dar es Salaam Leads a Breakthrough for African Cities New Streets and Street Life in Moscow At MOBILIZE Santiago, Just and Equitable Cities are the New Normal In India, the City of Pune Takes the Lead in Making Space for Transit and People…

The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport addresses the key areas of sustainable transport policy framework for a developing city. It is intended for policy-makers in developing cities, and their advisors. This target audience is reflected in the context, which provides policy tools appropriate for application in a range of developing cities. The Sourcebook consists of 30 modules and was…


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