Este texto concretiza las recomendaciones generales establecidas en el documento Promoción del uso de la bicicleta en la Ciudad de México, presentado por Bicitekas en abril de 2007 al Gobierno del Distrito Federal, respecto a una red de movilidad en bicicleta en la Ciudad de México. Para ello, Bicitekas y el Institute for Transportation & Development Policy, se dieron…
Topic: Cycling and Walking
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Les instructions pour le “California Bike”. Le California Bike Coalition de ITDP est une initiative qui cherche à apporter des vélos abordables et de haute qualité aux ménages rurales africains. Le programme utilise des velos pour repondre à les problems avec la mobilité, la santé et l’accès de l’emploi, les compétences et l’éducation.
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Streets are much more than thoroughfares for cars and trucks. Particularly in poor neighborhoods, they serve walkers, cyclists, and provide recreational opportunities for children. What’s more, streets are often the most common place for neighbors to meet and converse, providing vital social and civic functions.
The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport addresses the key areas of sustainable transport policy framework for a developing city. It is intended for policy-makers in developing cities, and their advisors. This target audience is reflected in the context, which provides policy tools appropriate for application in a range of developing cities. The Sourcebook consists of 30 modules and was…
By international standards, Surabaya has an extremely high mode share of private motorized trips (predominantly motorcycle) relative to per capita incomes, despite the fact that average trip distances “as the crow flies” are extremely short. Nonmotorized trips are nonetheless a critical part of the transportation system, while collective forms of transport are much less important than in other regional…
The Projecto de Bicicletas (Bicycle Project) was conceived in 1992 by two non-governmental organizations (NGOs) based in Mozambique: the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) and National Mozambican Association for the Development of Rural Women (AMRU). The project began after a representative from ITDP attended the inaugeration of AMRU- in which many women from the surrounding…