Letter from the CEO: Putting Pedestrians First Healthy, Equitable, Environmental Cities Transforming Our World with New Sustainable Development Goals In Yichang, China, A New BRT Connects the City A Sustainable Smart Future: New Transport Investments Tool Shows Indian Cities the Way Forward Changing Direction: Walking and Cycling in African Cities How to Enjoy the City…
Topic: Climate and Transit Policy
The Rapid Transit to Resident Ratio (RTR) is a small statistic with a lot of information. The metric compares a country’s urban population (cities with more than 500,000 people) with the length of rapid transit lines (including rail, metro, and BRT) that serve them. This metric offers a snapshot of the access, equity, and quality of…
This infographic accompanies Part 2 of a report on how national governments can support urban transit growth. Part 2, Growing Rapid Transit Infrastructure: Funding, Financing, and Capacity, analyzes how the funding practices, financing practices, and institutional capacity impact a country’s ability to deliver rapid transit effectively. Read the full report for details. Download this infographic
Part 2: Growing Rapid Transit Infrastructure —Funding, Financing, and Capacity Large cities of the world require strong coverage of rapid transit networks to ensure they remain competitive, and that local communities have a healthy environment, vibrant urban economy, and an equitable, high quality of life for all residents. Many cities—especially those with growing populations, incomes, and/or large infrastructure deficits—have…
The Potential for Dramatically Increasing Bicycle and E-bike Use in Cities Around the World, with Estimated Energy, CO2, and Cost Impacts Cycling plays a major role in personal mobility around the world, but it could play a much bigger role. Given the convenience, health benefits, and affordability of bicycles, they could provide a far greater proportion of urban passenger…
Cycling plays a major role in personal mobility around the world, but it could play a much bigger role. A report, A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario, presents the potential for dramatically increasing bicycle and e-bike use in cities around the world. Read the report for detailed exploration of the CO2 and cost benefits of a shift…
Já está disponível para download o novo Caderno de Referência para Elaboração de Plano de Mobilidade Urbana (PlanMob). O documento tem por objetivo auxiliar as cidades na elaboração de seus planos de mobilidade. Inicialmente publicado em 2007, o caderno passou por uma cuidadosa revisão técnica do Ministério das Cidades e instituições parceiras, dentre elas o ITDP Brasil, incorporando na versão…
The document reviews approaches for Urban Mobility Plans (UMP) from various countries and showcases a growing number of examples calling for a shift away from the traditional, infrastructure-oriented approach towards sustainable and people-oriented planning. Urban Mobility Plans are used as planning tool and policy instrument to guide the development of transport in urban areas and…
In this report, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy proposes six general modifications to Mexico City’s parking policy. These are derived from analyzing the current policy resources and their effects on urban development and mobility in the city. The relevance of parking management is described through its influence on the city’s performance and the objectives of denser, more…