Lviv, a city of 1.5 million in western Ukraine, was founded more than 750 years ago, and has an historic city center that is a UNESCO World Heritage site. In 2012, the City of Lviv has implemented a host of measures to improve public transport, walking and cycling as well as general mobility conditions in…

The City of Bremen is well known for its ambitious strategies on transport and quality of life in the city. Already, about 60% of all trips in Bremen are done by the sustainable modes of walking, cycling and collective transport, and this number is on the rise. Bremen, a traditional harbor city in the North…

  As part of Rio de Janeiro’s plan to integrate cycling and walking into their transport network, the city has just launched a major expansion. Rio has seen ongoing changes in integration of non-motorized transport (NMT) to other transport systems. On December 6, Rio launched a total of 3,300 bicycle parking spaces in 3 stations….

ITDP Managing Director for Global Policy Michael Replogle met with international and Chinese transport finance experts last week in Beijing to explore new prospects and directions for China’s national urban transport financing. At an expert workshop organized by the China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center, GIZ, and EMBARQ from November 1st to 3rd, Replogle and…

Throughout the week of September 17th, former Bogotá mayor and ITDP board president Enrique Peñalosa, along with a delegation of ITDP and GMEDRI staff, held site tours and meetings with government officials and partner organizations in Yichang, Lanzhou, and Shenyang to promote integration of sustainable transport and land development as China pushes forward rapid urban…

  As part of Mobility Week, Rio de Janeiro launched its first official bike map on Friday, September 21st. ITDP Brazil, with local NGO partners Transporte Ativo and Camelo Urbano, spearheaded the map’s creation. The map was been produced by the Secretary of Environment in partnership with the Secretary of Tourism. The map and cycling…

In cities around the globe, artists, activists, and NGOs transformed parking spaces on September 21st into temporary public parks and social spaces as part of the annual “Park(ing) Day” event. The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) participated in Park(ing) Day 2012 with events in three cities: Buenos Aires, Jakarta, and Rio de Janeiro….

By Kumar Manish, ITDP India On September 1, ITDP India, in partnership with 4th Wheel, an Ahmedabad-based corporate social responsibility research and advocacy group, conducted a street audit of pedestrian activity on two of the busiest streets in the city. Twenty participants spent three hours of Saturday morning walking on the streets of Ahmedabad observing…

On Sunday June 17th at the Humanidade Forum at Rio+20, ITDP’s Technical Director, Luc Nadal, gave a presentation assessing the plans for the redevelopment of the port area of Rio by the Principles of urban development for sustainable urban transport. Among several recommendations Luc made on reducing parking and vehicular traffic infrastructure and designing a…


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