Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, marked the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Gold Standard Guangzhou BRT. When it opened, the system revolutionized bus rapid transit with its high capacity and ‘direct service’ model. Five years later, the Guangzhou BRT continues to serve 850,000 passengers daily, integrates many additional transport improvements, and…

* This post originally appeared on Embarq.org and is reprinted here with permission.  In 2007, Istanbul added the Metrobüs bus rapid transit (BRT) system to its multimodal transport network. Initially stretching 18.2 km between the city’s Avcılar and Topkapı districts, the BRT corridor has since tripled in length to 52 km and today carries more…

10th Annual Award Gives First 3-way Tie to Three Brazilian Cities The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing…

Using an innovative Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Belo Horizonte has implemented comprehensive measures to improve mobility across the city. Over the past year, the city launched the first 23 km of the MOVE BRT system, built 27 km of protected bike paths, and pedestrianized streets downtown. These transformations are reducing congestion, emissions and travel times,…

In 2014, São Paulo, Brazil dedicated itself to promoting sustainable mobility, making progress on issues from public transit to parking and building a culture of open innovation along the way. Among the city’s advances this year include adding 320 kilometers of exclusive bus lanes, implementing bike lanes faster than ever before, and passing a watershed…

In 2015, ITDP is celebrating our 30th birthday. Over the past three decades, ITDP has worked in over 100 cities in more than 35 countries. Through our work, we’ve designed, built and implemented sustainable transport systems that save time, money and improve quality of life for millions. See below for impacts of our work, an interactive timeline of…

The way Guadalajara moves is changing. Last week, the city opened the MiBici public bicycle system. Only the second bike-share system in Mexico after Mexico City’s Ecobici, MiBici offers Guadalajara residents an exciting new transport option. Capping off a year of impressive expansion of biking infrastructure in Guadalajara, the bike share makes it even easier for…

Six months after the system opened, Lanzhou, China’s bike share program has met its goal of extending coverage to the city’s BRT corridor. One of China’s best bike shares, the system has impressed city residents with its convenience, accessibility, and comfort. The system has been rapidly adding stations and bikes since opening, improving network coverage…

EcoParq é um sistema de parquímetros na Cidade do México, cuja primeira aplicação piloto foi no bairro de Polanco, em 2012. O sistema usa parquímetros multivagas para regular e precificar as vagas de estacionamento, substituindo o sistema informal que é comum no México e na América Latina. A intenção do ecoParq é acalmar o movimento nas ruas ao organizar…


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