Yichang, China’s new sustainable urban corridor proves that with strong vision and planning, swift, dramatic change is possible. With 1.5 million residents, Yichang is a mid-sized, yet influential city in central China. In one year, the city has opened a 20km, Gold-Standard bus rapid transit corridor, launched a new public bike system, and implemented strong…

Rosario, Argentina is dedicated to improvement. The city is building momentum on a wide range of sustainable transport projects, expanding and advancing major initiatives. A mid-sized city of 1.3 million residents, Rosario frames its mobility strategy around three pillars: improve mass transit, develop more options for non-motorized transport, and deter private vehicles. This year, the…

Expressed by the new motto, ‘Moscow is Moving’, the Russian capital is headed toward a brighter future. Over the past year, Moscow has made incredible strides improving transport, the cycling environment, and urban life for residents. The city has expanded bike lanes, completed its first full year with bike share, improved parking management, addressed metro…

By Clayton Lane, ITDP CEO Carsharing is rapidly on the rise in emerging markets like China, India, Brazil and Mexico, and shows promise of replacing car ownership for many households. However, entrepreneurs and policy makers must tackle critical barriers to enable carsharing to grow and succeed. A new study published today by WRI Ross Center for…

The incredible potential of dramatically increasing cycling is captured for the first time in a scientific study carried out by ITDP and UC Davis. A new report, A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario, shows that cycling and e-biking can cut energy use and CO2 emissions of urban transport by up to 10% by 2050 compared to…

The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing quality of life in its major cities. In 2014, Belo Horizonte…

The Sustainable Transport Award Committee gave its tenth annual award to Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, the first ever award to result in a three-way tie, giving credit to the scale and substance of Brazil’s achievements in increasing mobility and enhancing quality of life in its major cities. In 2014, Belo Horizonte…

Between the late 1980s and 2010, the city of Guangzhou doubled in population, expanding from 6 to 12 million residents. To accommodate Guangzhou’s rapid urbanization, many farmlands were transformed into urban land and used for new developments. As rural areas became dense city, with millions of migrants taking up residence in housing blocks, the ‘urban…

As living near transit becomes increasingly popular, a new report and online calculator from the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) and ITDP offers recommendations and support for the City of Chicago to expand zoning and target financial incentives to attract more residential and commercial development near transit in neighborhoods across the city. “It is no coincidence that…


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