The BostonBRT Station Design Competition is an ideas competition for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) stations in Boston.  The competition created an opportunity for designers to showcase creative, innovative and inspiring modern design for a critical part of the BRT System: The Station. BostonBRT challenged the design community to think beyond the traditional bus stop and bring…

While some world leaders deny that our climate is changing, Mexico City is sinking. Increased heat and drought, exacerbated by the emissions of millions of vehicles in the world’s most congested city, are worsening water shortages in Mexico’s capital. As drilling goes deeper and deeper for more water, Mexico City’s foundation is eroding and causing…

Aerial view of Houston, Texas Transportation scholar Daniel Chatman’s latest research builds on two decades of experience looking largely at the U.S. context. Chatman has studied how people get to their jobs and what that means for metropolitan economies. He has investigated traffic patterns, job sprawl, and mortgage subsidies for homes in high-density neighborhoods with…

There can be an 80% cut in CO2 emissions if cities embrace 3 revolutions (3R) in vehicle technology: automation, electrification, and, most importantly, ride sharing. Analysis from ITDP and UC Davis shows 3R synergy provides 40% reduction in urban vehicle transportation costs globally by 2050. Ride-sharing and renewable energy sources critical to its success. As…

From April 19-23rd, Mexico City hosted thousands of people from over twenty countries to participate in the 6th edition of the World Bike Forum, under the slogan: handmade cities. This forum was a direct result of all the knowledge and collaboration inherited by the first host cities; Porto Alegre and Curtitiba, Brazil, and Santiago, Chile. The…

by Daniel Paschall Which of the two images above shows a public space? Technically both. But they are two very different approaches to what makes a public space, and they beg larger questions for all cities. Which public space is more inviting? Which one looks like a place for all people? Which public space gives…

Nneka Njoku, Communications Associate from ITDP Global, reflects on her transport experience as a millennial in the Twin Cities and interviews fellow millennials to hear their views on the issue. “My impression of the United States was Route 66. I’ve seen so many photographs. And I had this idea that you can ride in the car…

“This is a well-conceived project. If you can translate this into reality, it will be heaven”. This is what Mr. P. Nagaraj, an 83-year old citizen of Coimbatore, a city of 2 million in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, had to say after viewing the life-sized visualizations of the Model Roads on display…

Asia Pacific Rail, the largest gathering of senior rail leaders in Asia focused on sustainable railway development in the Asian Pacific region, spoke with ITDP China’s Deputy Country Director, Xianyuan Zhu, about transit-oriented development in China.  The growth of cities around the world has been characterized by unsustainable, car-dependent and transit-poor urban sprawl. To remedy…


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