New ITDP Report Helps Cities “Plug” E-bikes and E-scooters into their Transport Networks The report positions  cities to take an active role in managing the use of e-bikes, e-scooters, and other electric micromobility modes, maximizing benefits and minimizing negative impacts. Within the past couple of years, cities have witnessed a proliferation of personal mobility devices:…

Aswathy Dilip is the ITDP South Asia Director. With support from her smart and enthusiastic team, she works with the National, State and City governments; providing them technical assistance on sustainable and equitable urban mobility. Her most exciting work includes transforming congested roads into vibrant streets with space for all users, helping cities implement bold…

Fortaleza, a city of 3 million in Brazil’s northeast coast, and like many other Brazilian cities, had been plagued by staggering rates of traffic fatalities. Today, the city is hailed as a best practice, having reduced traffic related injuries and deaths by a 40 percent, along with a significant increase in bikes and public transport…

___________ 225 Transport and Development Experts from 48 Cities in 21 Countries gathered in Fortaleza, Brazil to celebrate, study, and work to replicate the city’s high impact, low cost interventions at the 2019 MOBILIZE summit. ___________   Mayors and city officials discussed the cost of re-humanizing cities in Fortaleza, Minneapolis, and Bogotá. The panelists discussed…

Pune, India is a city with a population of over 3.5 million people in the central northwest state of Maharashtra located a few hours by bus from Mumbai. It is a rapidly developing city with a growing, robust economy, and fortunately, an ambitious plan to improve mobility. For years, Pune has been moving closer to…

  225 experts from 48 cities in 21 countries attended MOBILIZE Fortaleza   Fortaleza (June 24, 2019) – Fortaleza, a coastal city of 2.6 million in the state of Ceará, has achieved something that cities around the world envy: a massive drop in road fatalities. That alone is an achievement, but what makes it even…

Gil is the founder and chair of the internationally recognized Canadian non-profit organization 8 80 Cities. He is also first Ambassador of World Urban Parks. He holds an MBA from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, where he recently was selected as one of the “100 Most Inspirational Alumni” in the school’s history. In 2015 Gil…

The Greater Boston region has received much attention for its worst-in-the-nation rush hour congestion problem, where in 2018 commuters lost an average of 164 hours in rush-hour traffic. Several Boston area municipalities are looking for innovative solutions that rethink urban streets to manage the region’s traffic. Bus improvements have become a hot topic and are…

The MOBILIZE Summit, this year in Fortaleza, Brazil welcomes a diverse group of speakers from across the globe to discuss their cities’ transportation interventions over two days. The theme this year is “Reclaiming Streets for Access and Mobility” as the agenda emphasizes the importance of building spaces for all groups. Learn about the plenary speakers…


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