REPORTER: Right now, there’s not much at the future home of the Hunts Point Riverside Park on the Bronx River just above where it empties into the sound. There’s swirling dust, which quickly fills your shoes and gets underneath your clothes. But to Majora Carter, the Director of Sustainable South Bronx, this sliver of a…

These mayors have added quality public spaces and green zones, increased recreation areas for young people, reduced traffic congestion and improved air quality – thereby upgrading the quality of urban life, and attracting business investors. These mayors recognize that by reducing greenhouse gases they can improve the daily lives of their residents and improve planetary…

2005 has witnessed the initiation of a range of significant sustainable transport projects in Latin America. Mexico and Central America Metrobus, Mexico City’s Bus Rapid Transit system on the highly congested Insurgentes Avenue, was launched in June 2005 and, despite some operational struggles at the beginning, has improved its operations in subsequent months. ITDP provided…

One of the most serious problems of the Colombian educational system is the ever increasing rate of student turnover, stemming among other reasons from the fact that parents cannot afford to pay for their children’s transportation to school. Most of these kids must walk several kilometers every day to get to their schools, as other…

The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport addresses the key areas of sustainable transport policy framework for a developing city. It is intended for policy-makers in developing cities, and their advisors. This target audience is reflected in the context, which provides policy tools appropriate for application in a range of developing cities. The Sourcebook consists of 30 modules and was…

The Sourcebook on Sustainable Urban Transport addresses the key areas of sustainable transport policy framework for a developing city. It is intended for policy-makers in developing cities, and their advisors. This target audience is reflected in the context, which provides policy tools appropriate for application in a range of developing cities. The Sourcebook consists of 30 modules and was…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Lisa Peterson, 212-629-8001, A group of international transportation experts arrived in last week to help Cape Town officials design a world-class bus system.  Many of the experts were involved in the planning and management of TransMilenio, the successful Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system built in Bogotá, Colombia, which has brought incredible…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Paul Steely White or Lisa Peterson, 212-629-8001 Within three years, former Bogotá Mayor Enrique Peñalosa transformed his city from a congested and dangerous mess, where many citizens did not have access to transportation, into the world’s leading model for sustainable urban design. Now, on the Building a New City tour, Mr….

The likely outcome of more road construction is all too often repeated with all too familiar results. The new roadways quickly fill up with induced traffic, while public transport is left in more traffic with less available investment for improvement. Because only 20% of Mexico City residents use private automobiles, the huge price tag of…


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