From September 12th-14th, ITDP joined the Global Climate Action Summit to encourage leaders to take bold actions in transport as a lever to mitigate against climate change. For 30 years, ITDP has worked for sustainable, equitable solutions to combat climate change and promote active transport and healthy urban environments. Check out some of our resources…

by Hiroaki Suzuki, Former World Bank Lead Urban Specialist After retirement, my wife and I started to look for a place to downsize and to reduce our carbon footprint. We visited a TOD site, adjacent to Vienna station of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) Metro Orange Line, called Metro West (MW), located in the…

Denver, a mid-sized city by US standards, is one of America’s fastest-growing cities. Denver’s population is expected to increase by more than 30 percent by 2050, and the city faces the challenge of accommodating additional mobility needs. Fortunately, they have the opportunity to apply the lessons learned from their peer cities, such as Minneapolis, and…

On a clear day, the Andes mountains form a dramatic backdrop to Santiago. Those clear days are increasingly common as air quality improves and city residents can pause to admire the view with less stress about their trips around Chile’s capital now that parts of the city have made walking, biking, and transit a priority….

For the last decade, Seattle has been the fastest growing city in the U.S. The population boom, the city’s biggest since the 19th century Yukon Gold Rush, has strained transportation infrastructure, which relies almost entirely on surface buses without many dedicated lanes. In the 1960s and 1970s, voters turned down federal funding to build a…

How can we ensure that urban transport and development benefits women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities?  How can we make cities, neighborhoods and transport systems safer for all?  As more people migrate to urban centers and mega cities, can we ensure that slum dwellers benefit from economic growth and urban services? Over the…

by Onésimo Flores Dewey and Santiago Fernández Reyes The Mexican City of Guadalajara has built subway lines before, but the line currently under construction is significantly different. This time, the city has a strategy to leverage investments in transit to repopulate the city’s core and promote multimodality. The new subway runs underground Avenida Alcalde, a…

The Boston area is preparing for exciting new improvements to its bus service in 2018, so much that #YearoftheBus has become popular on social media and local television has taken an interest in covering the progress. In addition to the three local bus pilots that ITDP is supporting, the local transit authority (the MBTA) and…

By Deng Han, Liu Shaokun, Li Wei, Huang Runjie, ITDP China Disruption has come to the once calm and steady business of municipal bikeshare, where the Chinese experience is a harbinger of the future for cities everywhere. Virtually overnight last year, red, yellow, and blue bikes sprang up on seemingly every corner in Guangzhou. But…


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