Type: Infographic

Walkability is a crucial first step in creating sustainable transportation in an urban environment. This infographic lays out what it takes to create a walkable, pedestrian-friendly environment. An urban space puts pedestrians first when it has a mix of infrastructure that ensures a physical space and design that promotes walking, activity which brings people and…

ITDP India‘s newest storytelling infographic, The Potential of Greenways in Tiruppur, India, is focused on how repurposing deactivated and inaccessible space along the Noyyal River in India could bring pedestrians and cyclists back to the river’s edge. ITDP is working with the city of Tiruppur and GIZ to develop a citywide network for walking and…

Bicicletas e patinetes elétricas são mais do que soluçoes convenientes para deslocamentos curtos, como os trajetos iniciais e finais realizados pelos usuários do trasnporte publico. Saber mais.

At-grade crosswalks benefit pedestrians by making their passing a priority on the streets as opposed to pedestrian bridges which prioritize cars. Learn more about the adverse effects of pedestrian bridges and the benefits of at-grade crosswalks here and download the above infographic by clicking the button below.

E-bikes and e-scooters are more than a convenient first-last mile solution in cities.  They also reduce emissions while catalyzing a broader shift towards sustainable transport. Learn more.

Cycling plays a major role in personal mobility around the world, but it could play a much bigger role. ITDP’s report, A Global High Shift Cycling Scenario, presents the potential for dramatically increasing bicycle and e-bike use in cities around the world. Read the report for detailed exploration of the CO2 and cost benefits of…

From 2004-2014, BRT systems grew rapidly, mostly fueled by growth in China, Brazil, Mexico, and the US.

A TNC matches passengers with drivers via websites and mobile apps in real time.  These companies are also commonly referred to as ride hail services.  This infographic covers 4 strategies to make Uber, Didi, and other TNCs work for cities.

The building blocks of inclusive cities. This is an illustration of the MIX principle from the TOD Standard. When there is a balanced mix of complementary uses and activities within a local area (e.g., a mix of residences, workplaces and local retail commerce), many daily trips can remain short and walkable. Diverse uses peaking at…


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