Many of the world’s most important cities are expanding rapidly without adequate transportation planning. People Near Rapid Transit (PNT) measures the number of residents in a city who live within a short walking distance (1 km) of high-quality rapid transit. This is a good way to estimate accessibility and rapid transit coverage in large…
Location: Mexico
Hoy se construyen más espacios de estacionamientos que oficinas y viviendas en las ciudades mexicanas. Esto se refleja en la mala calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. Ya que más cajones incentivan más viajes en auto. Además los grandes estacionamientos ocupan lugares donde podría haber parques, comercio, vivienda o servicios. La solución es que las…
EcoParq é um sistema de parquímetros na Cidade do México, cuja primeira aplicação piloto foi no bairro de Polanco, em 2012. O sistema usa parquímetros multivagas para regular e precificar as vagas de estacionamento, substituindo o sistema informal que é comum no México e na América Latina. A intenção do ecoParq é acalmar o movimento nas ruas ao organizar…
In this report, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy proposes six general modifications to Mexico City’s parking policy. These are derived from analyzing the current policy resources and their effects on urban development and mobility in the city. The relevance of parking management is described through its influence on the city’s performance and the objectives of denser, more…
ITDP has decided to promote public discussion on the future redevelopment of Modal Transfer Centers (CETRAM) Mexico City, to spread the work “Megacentralidades: Proposal CETRAM integration of urban development in Mexico City.” This proposal is based on the analysis of 49 CETRAM three scales (urban network, radius of influence and building), and from this, three…
Las ciudades mexicanas enfrentan grandes retos debido a su expansión territorial y los problemas de movilidad que ésta ocasiona. El tráfico, las largas horas de trayecto, el alto gasto en transporte, la contaminación y los accidentes disminuyen la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía e imponen altos costos sociales y monetarios a la sociedad. Sin embargo, la implementación de las políticas necesarias…
Metrobuses, ecobicis, bikeways, parking meters and reclaiming public space for pedestrians were the main reasons the city of Mexico won the Sustainable Transport Award in 2013. This video demonstrates Mexico City’s continued progress and leadership in sustainable urban transport.
This guidebook is the result of a study carried out in 12 cities across five countries throughout Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) looking at parking and travel demand management (TDM) policies. It serves two main objectives: to present the general findings of the fieldwork carried out in the focus cities, comparing their…
Many of the mobility issues faced by the Hipódromo neighborhood have their roots in the movement of activity towards the west and south, and the creation of de facto economic centers previously located the city’s historic center. The movement of economic activities toward the southwest eventually turned into a corridor with an axis that flowed…