In this report, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy proposes six general modifications to Mexico City’s parking policy. These are derived from analyzing the current policy resources and their effects on urban development and mobility in the city. The relevance of parking management is described through its influence on the city’s performance and the objectives of denser, more…
Language: Español
ITDP has decided to promote public discussion on the future redevelopment of Modal Transfer Centers (CETRAM) Mexico City, to spread the work “Megacentralidades: Proposal CETRAM integration of urban development in Mexico City.” This proposal is based on the analysis of 49 CETRAM three scales (urban network, radius of influence and building), and from this, three…
Las ciudades mexicanas enfrentan grandes retos debido a su expansión territorial y los problemas de movilidad que ésta ocasiona. El tráfico, las largas horas de trayecto, el alto gasto en transporte, la contaminación y los accidentes disminuyen la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía e imponen altos costos sociales y monetarios a la sociedad. Sin embargo, la implementación de las políticas necesarias…
This guidebook is the result of a study carried out in 12 cities across five countries throughout Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico) looking at parking and travel demand management (TDM) policies. It serves two main objectives: to present the general findings of the fieldwork carried out in the focus cities, comparing their…
Increasingly, cities in the US, finding themselves short of funds, are wondering whether BRT, a lower cost mass transit solution initially developed in Latin America and a relatively new form of mass transit in the US, could also be used here to leverage transit-oriented development investments. This report provides an answer. In the wake of…
From the 1940s to the 1960s, U.S. cities lost population and economic investment to suburban locations. To compete, many cities built urban highways, hoping to offer motorists the same amenities they enjoyed in the suburbs. Whatever their benefits, these highways often had adverse impacts on urban communities. Many cities in Latin America, following the Unites States’…
Este documento presenta las características más relevantes de los sistemas de bicicletas públicas que hay en el mundo, además de algunos estudios de caso para su conocimiento en América Latina. El documento se concentra principalmente en describir los obstáculos más importantes en la implementación de un sistema de este tipo que podrían tenerse en cuenta al desarrollar uno similar…
Presentación de un diagnóstico de la situación financiera del Sistema y de los agentes de Transmilenio.
Un resumen del diagnostico de los sistemas troncal y alimentador, análisis y planteamiento de alternativas, evaluación de alternativas seleccionadas y recomendaciones.