Language: English

Ranchi is the capital of Jharkhand, a state that remains largely rural, but is urbanising fast. The use of personal motor vehicles is expanding rapidly in Ranchi, leading to congestion in central areas and safety challenges. Ranchi lacks a formalised public transport system and people are largely dependent on paratransit for their day-to-day travel. This report aims to develop…

In the past decade, the world has seen car sharing go mainstream, bike sharing become a global trend, and hundreds of startups stake their claim to reinventing transport. The new systems, collectively known as shared mobility, reflect the rise of both the on-demand and sharing economies. These dual economic phenomena are changing the way everyone from car owners to…

Urban density is fundamental principle of sustainable development. Density supports economic and creative vibrancy, social integration, and a healthy, environmental sustainable development model. As the world’s population continues to urbanize, our cities have two options for growth: densify or sprawl. The private-car dependent sprawl model of the 20th century must change, and move away from…

Hoy se construyen más espacios de estacionamientos que oficinas y viviendas en las ciudades mexicanas. Esto se refleja en la mala calidad de vida de sus ciudadanos. Ya que más cajones incentivan más viajes en auto. Además los grandes estacionamientos ocupan lugares donde podría haber parques, comercio, vivienda o servicios. La solución es que las…

Increased car ownership in Beijing has resulted in a higher demand for parking spaces. Rather than taking a restrictive approach to parking as a means to reduce car travel and ownership, the government is trying to increase parking supply in an effort to solve parking problems. Simply increasing parking supply is not a solution as it leads to more traffic and…

The Ndovu/A104 BRT project in Nairobi is currently on a trajectory to become a world‐class BRT project. The highest quality BRT systems are designed around a good service plan. A service plan determines where the BRT routes will go, how big stations will need to be, and how many passengers a BRT system will attract….

There are many other potential uses for spaces reserved for parking. This illustration puts the opportunity costs in perspective, showing how the private and public realm could be reshaped for higher value purposes. Download this infographic Source: ITDP

Over the past three decades, ITDP has worked in over 100 cities in more than 35 countries. Through our work, we’ve designed, built and implemented sustainable transport systems that save time, money and improve quality of life for millions.  


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