In recent years, many cities have begun to invest more in improving the quality of public transport, including both physical and operational innovations. However, compared to other transport investments (highways, airports, etc.), public transport receives far less support and is often considered secondary or non-essential. Despite this, public transport is vital to the functioning of…
Year: 2024
The city of Dakar recently launched the anticipated 18.3km fully electric BRT system, a first in the Africa region. The e-BRT system is expected to carry 300,000 passengers a day and reduce travel journey time from 95 to 45 minutes. The system is set to operate a robust fleet of 144 articulated e-buses, spearheading a…
People in cities all around the world have been seeing a new phenomenon on their streets: electric bicycles, or e-bikes. Whether branded as part of a larger bikeshare program or a personal tool, the popularity of e-bikes was jump started over the past few years by the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The global e-bike…
Direct community involvement in urban planning processes is stipulated in Indonesia’s National Development Planning System through Musrenbang, or a ‘Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Forum for Development Planning’. The Forum is organized to accommodate the needs and perspectives of various stakeholders affected by existing and potential national and regional urban development plans. This can range from issues of…
In most of the world, bicycles are a well-known artifact and are an essential aspect of people’s lives: they may have been one of their first toys, their sports apparatus and, if they are lucky, also their mode of transport. However, for many reasons, many bicycles are left behind in garages or landfills, forgotten once…
Digital technology is especially valuable for informal public transport, the unregulated or semi-regulated services that carry so much travel in many of the world’s regions. Digitalization will not solve problems by itself—it must be part of a coherent strategy supported by local expertise and political will. However, it is a catalyst for moving informal transport…
Pedestrian bridges are structures built over roads that require people to take longer, often inaccessible routes up and over many lanes of car traffic, without impeding the speed or movement of vehicular traffic. Proponents of these structures argue that these bridges are made for the safety of pedestrians, by moving pedestrians out of the way…
Avenida Brasil is one of the most important roads in Brazil and, at nearly 60 kilometers in length, serves as one of the primary thoroughfares connecting people, goods, and services in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area. After ten years of development, February 2024 marked the debut of TransBrasil, a milestone for the city as…
Decreasing the number of miles traveled by cars and trucks is one of the most impactful measures considered in a recent ICCT study of how road transport can limit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to align with a pathway that stays well below 2 degrees of global warming. These reductions in vehicle activity can be achieved…