Year: 2023

Brazil’s cities, like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, have long been faced with unequal patterns of urban development and sprawl that have made mobility and access a major challenge for many people. As the COVID-19 pandemic underscored long-standing inequities and a lack of sustainability in the nation’s transportation, it also demonstrated the immense potential of…

To meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and for a chance of limiting climate change to less than 1.5°C, neither vehicle electrification nor mode shift is sufficient alone: the world needs compact electric cities.

ITDP and LivableStreets Alliance’s Keeping Pace report shows that the MBTA bus system in Greater Boston has not kept up with surging service demand and offers key recommendations to get it back on track by 2030.

Due to rapid motorization and a lack of parking management policy, Beijing’s sidewalks, setbacks, bicycle lanes, and streets have been gradually taken over by illegal, unsafe parking in recent years. Since 2014, ITDP China has worked with Beijing to develop much-needed parking reforms for the city of over 21 million.

This article was authored by Pablo Montaño, Producer and Writer of El Tema (The Topic), a Spanish-language web series focused on climate change and mobility.

Paris, France is receiving the 2023 Sustainable Transport Award for efforts to promote active mobility, expand transport infrastructure and reclaim urban space. This year, Paris will be also joined by two STA honorable mentions — the City of Bhubaneswar, India, and the State of Jalisco, Mexico (inclusive of the cities of Guadalajara, Zapopan, and Tlaquepaque).

As COVID-19 pandemic brought many cities to a halt, people all over India took to walking and cycling as a way to access essential services and as a form of recreation, leading the government to launch two visionary Challenges to promote a more sustainable future.


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