Year: 2023

Nine major national and regional transportation, environmental, and environmental justice organizations issued a statement yesterday on implementing environmental justice goals for frontline communities exposed to transportation pollution, such as major highways, rail yards, warehouses, and ports. The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) is meeting this week to consider this and other comments as they…

This World Bicycle Day, it is important to share and explore lessons from a city that is making tangible efforts to make cycling safe, comfortable and accessible for all its residents. In the historic City of London, England, we are seeing the implementation of innovative, sustainable mobility strategies that is leading to a milestone shift…

 Over the past two decades, ITDP China has been working closely with major cities to advance a vision for urban cycling, and implement bicycle lanes and bicycle parking to provide people with a quick, safe and sustainable transport option. Yichang, located in the heart of China and home to the Three Gorges Dam, has accelerated…

ITDP Africa, in partnership with the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA), UN Women, and UN-Habitat, recently undertook a comprehensive study to understand the challenges that women and girls face while using the public transport system in greater Cairo, Egypt. In addition, these partners looked specifically at gender-sensitive design scenarios for a planned bus rapid transit…

US cities need practical, creative solutions to improve its faltering public transit systems. In the Greater Boston area in particular, where ITDP US has been working to advance Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and sustainable transport with agencies like the MBTA, workforce challenges are especially evident and have far-reaching implications. There exist real-world models in  cities…

In All Possible Commutes: How Micromobility and Realistic Car Travel Times Impact Accessibility Analysis, a new paper from the New Urban Mobility Alliance (NUMO) produced with support from Transport for Cairo and ITDP, the authors propose that micromobility, considered realistically, makes a major difference in people’s access to their cities.

As with many global cities, the disruptions of the COVID-19 pandemic has led Bogotá to rethink its approach to sustainable mobility, improve access and safety on its streets, and expand critical cycling and pedestrian networks. In a city where nearly a fifth of residents own private vehicles and congestion is persistent, the pandemic allowed Bogotá…

ITDP Mexico launched the Ideamos program in 2020 to pilot innovative ideas for improving the future of Mexico’s cities through sustainable, inclusive mobility that promotes the right of people to move safely in urban spaces.

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, one neighborhood urban revitalization plan is seeking to leverage the principles of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) to implement more compact, integrated, and inclusive development efforts. Conectar Queimados is a project led by the Rio de Janeiro State Government and local transport agencies.


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