群力新区是哈尔滨市城市总体规划中确定的近期重点开发建设的新区。群力新 区位于松花江南岸,哈尔滨市道里区西部。东起何家沟,西至规划四环路,南 起哈双北线,北至江南群力堤,总用地面积 27.33 km2,规划人口32万。 本着可持续发展的交通政策和观点及以人为本的目的,为了更好的将亚洲发展 银行可持续交通研究项目的成果更好的和哈尔滨新区建设有效结合,将群力新 区设计为不是为了解决短期的车辆交通阻塞,而是为了建成一个我们梦想的可 居住的和有吸引力的城市新区,受哈尔滨市群力新区开发建设管理办公室的委 托,开展本咨询研究工作。 我单位联合ITDP(交通政策和发展研究所)、国外咨询公司和北京卓星工程 咨询有限责任公司共同对部分道路设计和交通规划进行优化设计咨询。
Type: Report
This paper centers on a case study of the serious parking issues found in the historic Daoli district of Harbin, one of northeast China’s major cities. Nearly half of parking takes place informally, usually on walkways and in building setbacks. More than 3,300 cars are parked on walkways and in setbacks in the Daoli study area during…
The national government of China sets a broad policy framework but does not generally play a direct role in sustainable urban transport policy formulation and implementation at the city level in China. Policy in areas such as public transport, demand management, non-motorized transport, land use, traffic safety and parking are determined largelt at the city…
An analysis of Sao Paulo’s city center and their recommendations for revitalizing it, with a foreward and afterword by Luc Nadal, ITDP Technical Director for Urban Development. It is in both Portuguese and English. Eminently walkable, cyclable, transit-proximate and overall space and resource-efficient, the historic center of Sao Paulo has great potential as a sustainable…
The majority of municipal governments in China’s major metropolitan areas have the financial means on their own to build Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems without the help or approval of the central government. However, the manner in which financing is raised will affect the efficiency and quality of the system, and these issues should be…
In 2000, at the UN Millennium Summit, governments committed themselves to cutting the number of people in poverty in half by 2015. This is to be achieved through eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) with specific, measurable targets, all of them addressing poverty alleviation. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) do not include any specific goals or targets…
While the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) do not specifically make reference to transportation issues, transportation projects and programs have an enormous impact on both the poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability goals. Transportation issues are dealt with directly in Agenda 21, the Global Plan of Action for Habitat II, and the proceedings of the Commission for Sustainable Development #9, and in…
An increasing number of cities are looking at Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as a lower cost alternative to meeting their mass transit needs. Less fully explored, however, has been the link between BRT and the implementation of transit system regulatory reforms. In a growing number of cities around the world, the introduction of a BRT system has also…