A good public transport system is often one of the defining features of a city, attracting residents, businesses, and tourists. However, even in the case of the world’s great public transport systems, fares do not fully cover costs. Substantial government subsidies are required to build, maintain, and operate most public transport systems. One of the challenges faced by cities…
Type: Report
This paper outlines key steps in financing reform: to Analyze impacts, Shift existing resources towards a sustainable direction, Add funding where resources are still lacking, and restructure pricing incentives so users Pay for the full costs of transport consumption, identifying measures to be taken by public, private, and international organizations.
U.S. Parking Policies: An Overview of Management Strategies” highlights best practices in parking management in the United States. In the last decade, some municipalities have reconsidered poorly conceived parking policies to address a host of negative impacts resulting from private automobile use such as traffic congestion and climate change. Unchecked, these policies have proven to be a major barrier to…
慢行交通(Non‐motorized Traffic)通常指步行和非机动车交通。从可达性来说,不管交通 如何发达,每次出行的始、终,最终都需慢行交通来承担,这是一种可达性最好的出行方 式。慢行交通系统在完善与提升城市空间功能,提高居民生活品质方面具有重要作用。目前,慢行交通在交通系统中占有很大的比重,随着未来生活品质的不断提升、绿色出行理念的普及和城市出行方式的改变,人们对慢行交通系统的要求将会越来越高,慢行交通系统在城市交通体系中也将变得越来越重要。 一个优秀慢行交通系统,应具有方便、自由、舒适、安全、连续和持续六个方面的功能,不但可以满足人们生产生活的需要,保障行人的出行需求和安全,还应尽量提供更加舒适 的出行环境,营造良好的城市人文环境。由于以往对慢行交通的重视不够,尽管慢行交通 对道路的条件要求最低,但是同全国大多数城市一样,目前哈尔滨慢行交通系统存在着一些问题,给行人出行带来不便的同时也降低了城市的吸引力和宜居性。
A fim de atender às necessidades de transporte da Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas de 2016, no Rio de Janeiro está abraçando BRT. O primeiro projeto para a implementação é a T5 – a 28 km de longo corredor que vai da expansão, afluente, área à beira-mar da Barra da Tijuca por…
A growing number of Asian cities are experiencing a rapid rise in the numbers of motorized twowheelers. In many of those cities, these vehicles account for the majority of traffic. This has significant ramifications, both positive and negative, for road safety, congestion, air pollution, economic development, and climate change. This study is a comprehensive review of the best practices…
A historical look at areas of Budapest, with an eye toward directing future growth in the city. The paper evaluates current concerns for the city, and provides ‘humble but politically realistic’ recommendations for reinvigorating and strengthening this historic capital city.
India, like other developing countries, is characterized by its rising population, mounting urbanization and motorization, and low per capita income. As Indian cities have grown in population, they have also spread outward. A lack of effective planning and land use controls has resulted in rapid, rampant sprawl extending beyond old city boundaries and into the distant countryside. This greatly increased…