Type: Report

Livable today, sustainable for the future. The principles outlined here will help cities significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions while improving the quality of life. Citizens of the world do not want to sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. They do not want to walk in mud, not feel threatened on a simple bike ride to work. They want to…

前言 在2010 年广州市修建了1000 多公里的绿道,成为了广州市民 休闲娱乐的新去处。对于广州市,这个项目的意义却远远不止改善居民生活的品质,之外绿道还倡导了“绿色出行,低碳生活”的新理念。 虽然广州绿道取得卓越成绩,但是还存在一些不完善之处,怎样使绿道更具吸引力,提高绿道的使用效率,更人性化。如何与人民日常生活通勤结合,如何使绿道被更多的人喜爱和使用,是我们面临的现实问题和挑战。 通过绿道与慢行交通及城市市政路网有效结合,可为城市营造出更安全,更具活力,更幸福宜居的环境,以提高城市竞争力及宜居性。 通过对广州已建绿道的调研,并以珠江新城为案例,借鉴国际上绿道实施的成功经验,提出珠江新城绿道的改善方案,这些 措施简单,易实施,花费不大,不会对社会交通造成负面影响,可快速实施。

Guangzhou, China opened its new 22.5-kilometer Bus Rapid Transit corridor in 2010. This is the first part of a report which is part of a longer-term monitoring and evaluation program for the Guangzhou BRT. This portion focuses primarily on the system’s impacts on CO2 and air pollution.

The transportation system in the United States has often been dominated by a particular mode. A century ago it was rail; in the last several decades it  has been the automobile. Over time we have come to learn that while various modes have a tremendous impact on the shape of our communities, the movement of goods,…

Bicycle Parking Facility Manual – ASCOBIKE Mauá Model A guide to the creation of urban bicycle parking garages in the model of the bicycle parking facility created and administered by ASCOBIKE — Association of Bicycle Users of Mauá, in Mauá, Brazil, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, the largest city in South America. Manual de…

This paper is the second in a series of policy papers from ITDP on parking. The first paper, released in Spring 2010, focused on successful parking practices in U.S. cities. This paper reviews successful parking practices in European cities. Parking management is a critical and often overlooked tool for achieving a variety of social goals. For…

Este documento presenta las características más relevantes de los sistemas de bicicletas públicas que hay en el mundo, además de algunos estudios de caso para su conocimiento en América Latina. El documento se concentra principalmente en describir los obstáculos más importantes en la implementación de un sistema de este tipo que podrían tenerse en cuenta al desarrollar uno similar…


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