Type: Report

As cidades são para os seres humanos, enquanto as vias expressas servem para movimentar os veículos. As cidades são centros de cultura e comércio que dependem do investimento privado. O enorme investimento público em vias expressas, feito no último século, reduziu a capacidade das cidades para conectar as pessoas entre si e estimular a cultura e o comércio. Apesar deste estudo ser sobre as…

Maintaining high quality standards and excellent customer service will be critical to the successful rollout of cycle sharing in India over the coming years. Public cycle sharing systems: A planning toolkit for Indian cities introduces the key ingredients of best practice cycle sharing systems. The toolkit draws from lessons learned from cycle sharing projects around…

Montgomery County, Maryland, has ambitious plans to build bus rapid transit (BRT)- type infrastructure throughout the County on some 160 miles of surface roads as rapidly as possible. The selection of this core network of BRT corridors, and some effort to envision what this system might look like, was assigned to a Task Force comprised of stakeholders and chaired…

An important regional hub in eastern India, Ranchi has historically been a cycling and walking-centric city with narrow streets and dense urban fabric. But with its outward expansion, there is higher demand for mobility and increased use of motorized transport, leading to congestion & safety issues. Thus this report looks at identifying existing travel demand…

To promote the discussion of sustainable transit in advance of the Rio+20 Conference, this paper provides an analysis of the role of transport as a contributor to global climate concerns and as an opportunity to reduce emissions through a shift toward sustainable transport options. In the next 20 years the world will see massive growth in demand…

From the 1940s to the 1960s, U.S. cities lost population and economic investment to suburban locations. To compete, many cities built urban highways, hoping to offer motorists the same amenities they enjoyed in the suburbs. Whatever their benefits, these highways often had adverse impacts on urban communities. Many cities in Latin America, following the Unites States’…

2 0 1 0 年广州市修建了1 0 0 0 多公里的绿 道,成为了广州市民休闲娱乐的新去处和 交通出行的新路径。对于广州市,这个项 目的意义却远远不止改善了居民生活的 品质,绿道还倡导了“绿色出行,低碳生 活”的新理念,给广州的市民及游客提供 了舒适便捷的出行方式,开创了城市交通 的新时代,走出了可持续交通的新篇章。I TDP二十年来一直致力于绿道及慢行系 统的研究,拥有世界顶级的专家团队。在 过去的一年里,I TDP致力于广东省绿道 的研究,基于I TDP团队的经验和在广东 省内广州市、东莞市、惠州市、阳江市的 工作,提出了适合广东省绿道的规划与设 计原则,希望省、市级领导能从中获取一 些灵感,并在未来绿道建设过程中有所帮 助。将广州的绿道建设成为广东省乃至全 国的可持续交通示范性工程。

Better Streets, Better Cities: a Guide to Street Design in Urban India illustrates ways that good design can help create safer streets and more livable public spaces. The guide was prepared by ITDP in collaboration with the Ahmedabad-based Environmental Planning Collaborative. Current street design practice in India is often based on a vision of high-speed…

Moving is a time to reevaluate the stuff you own. Boxes of family photos? Coming. That ratty old couch? Not coming. But what if you could leave something even bigger behind? Like your car? New developments are often associated with sprawl and more driving. But eight communities across Europe demonstrate there is a different model….


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