Topic: Traffic Reduction

Moving is a time to reevaluate the stuff you own. Boxes of family photos? Coming. That ratty old couch? Not coming. But what if you could leave something even bigger behind? Like your car? New developments are often associated with sprawl and more driving. But eight communities across Europe demonstrate there is a different model….

This paper is the second in a series of policy papers from ITDP on parking. The first paper, released in Spring 2010, focused on successful parking practices in U.S. cities. This paper reviews successful parking practices in European cities. Parking management is a critical and often overlooked tool for achieving a variety of social goals. For…

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Download this presentation Source: Michael Kodransky

U.S. Parking Policies: An Overview of Management Strategies” highlights best practices in parking management in the United States. In the last decade, some municipalities have reconsidered poorly conceived parking policies to address a host of negative impacts resulting from private automobile use such as traffic congestion and climate change. Unchecked, these policies have proven to be a major barrier to…

This paper centers on a case study of the serious parking issues found in the historic Daoli district of Harbin, one of northeast China’s major cities. Nearly half of parking takes place informally, usually on walkways and in building setbacks. More than 3,300 cars are parked on walkways and in setbacks in the Daoli study area during…

Effective parking management will be a critical component of the success of Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART). This chapter presents recommendations for reforming parking policies in the city centre to reflect the arrival of DART. The conclusions are based on an extensive survey of parking supply and occupancy in the city centre; interviews with staff from the City…


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