Topic: Sustainable Urban Development

Better Streets, Better Cities: a Guide to Street Design in Urban India illustrates ways that good design can help create safer streets and more livable public spaces. The guide was prepared by ITDP in collaboration with the Ahmedabad-based Environmental Planning Collaborative. Current street design practice in India is often based on a vision of high-speed…

A historical look at areas of Budapest, with an eye toward directing future growth in the city. The paper evaluates current concerns for the city, and provides ‘humble but politically realistic’ recommendations for reinvigorating and strengthening this historic capital city.

Testimony of Michael A. Replogle Global Policy Director and Founder, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy Policy and Strategy Consultant, Environmental Defense Fund July 7, 2009 Senate Banking Committee Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Subcommittee

The national government of China sets a broad policy framework but does not generally play a direct role in sustainable urban transport policy formulation and implementation at the city level in China. Policy in areas such as public transport, demand management, non-motorized transport, land use, traffic safety and parking are determined largelt at the city…

An analysis of Sao Paulo’s city center and their recommendations for revitalizing it, with a foreward and afterword by Luc Nadal, ITDP Technical Director for Urban Development.  It is in both Portuguese and English.  Eminently walkable, cyclable, transit-proximate and overall space and resource-efficient, the historic center of Sao Paulo has great potential as a sustainable…

Download this presentation Source: ITDP

In as complex an urban environment as central Dar es Salaam, streets have multiple functions. They allow cars, daladalas and other vehicles to access buildings and pass through the centre. They allow trucks to make deliveries. They provide space for parking and loading. They are the places where people walk. And streets provide some of the city centre’s few open spaces – places for…

Legislative Tools for Preserving Town Centres and Halting the Spread of Hypermarkets and Malls Outside of Cities:  Land Use Legislation and Controls of Conflicts of Interest in Land Use Decision Making Throughout Europe, the past few decades have been characterized by retail sprawl — the spread of hypermarkets and of large shopping malls outside of city centers, undermining the…


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