Topic: Public Transport

A good public transport system is often one of the defining features of a city, attracting residents, businesses, and tourists. However, even in the case of the world’s great public transport systems, fares do not fully cover costs. Substantial government subsidies are required to build, maintain, and operate most public transport systems. One of the challenges faced by cities…

From the ITDP staff meeting BRT workshop, October 9, 2009, New York City in conjunction with the Walk 2 conference Download this presentation Source: Chris Kost (7 MBs)

This article appears in the June 2009 issue of EM Magazine, a publication of the Air & Waste Management Association. Some of the most important technical innovations in the transportation field have nothing to do with vehicle technology or alternative fuels. Rather, they involve the way bus services are operated and infrastructure is used to optimize their…

Presentación de un diagnóstico de la situación financiera del Sistema y de los agentes de Transmilenio.

Download this presentation Source: Walter Hook, ITDP

El presente documento se elabora con base en lo conversado en la reunión del 8 de mayo del presente, entre funcionarios de la Dirección de Planeación, Dirección de Obras Públicas y la Dirección de Vinculación Política del Municipio de Guadalajara; OCOIT, CEIT, SEDEUR del Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco; la empresa proyectista; el Colectivo Ecologista Jalisco y el ITDP….

Presentation to Governor Fauzi Bowo on making TransJakarta a world class BRT system Download this presentation Source: ITDP Indonesia

Download image of rendering 1 Download image of rendering 2 Download image of rendering 3 Source: ITDP / GMTDC


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